- Good feast for Maharajapuram fans. Need a help. Is it possible for us get Maharajapuram - MSV Sangamam combination songs in this. regards bhaskaran
hvaidya said...
- It is coming Mr. Bhaskaran
- Thank you very much for your kind positive feed back Regards bhaskaran
Sridar said...
- Thanks for keeping the maestro alive regards g s
Vinod said...
- Thanks for adding new gems of Shri Santhanam, especially the Darbar aalaapana
sswami said...
- Thanks for the nice collection, But I could not download Sl.No.62,63,64 &65. It says DNS error S,Swaminathan
hvaidya said...
- Dear Mr. Swaminathan, All these songs are down loadable, I tried to download and it is working. Perhaps there might have been some server error when you tried. Please try again. If you still feel any difficulty, Please let me know. I will think of some alternative.
Anonymous said...
- great collection for maharajapuram fans. want msv santhanam sangamam included, especially, bho sambho. can you do it for me? dr. vijay shankar
r b subramanian said...
- Dear Sir, Item No.35, though given as Kalyani-Alapana, is repetition of .Dunmargachara'. Can You please check it up? Thanks and regards RBS
r b subramanian said...
- Dear Sir, Item No.38 is repeat of 37 and not Mohanam as mentioned. Can You please verify? Thanks and regards
hvaidya said...
- Dear rbs, I have corrected both the errors pointed out by you. While I am sorry for the inconvenience, I appreciate your efforts making the blog a perfect one.
r b subramanian said...
- Dear Sir, Item No.113 is repeat of 109. Can you please check it up and reupload 109.? Thanks and regards r b s
hvaidya said...
- Dear r b s, Item No 113 is corrected. Thanks once again
Vinod said...
- Dear Shri Hariharan, Thanks for adding new songs to this collection. Item 9 is very nicely rendered. Who is the composer? I guess that it is by OVK. Item 25 is the Dikshithar krithi 'Ehi Annapoorne' in Punnaagavaraali. Item 41 - Is it in Chakravaakam? Item 120 - Raaga Ranjani Item 125 - It is Raama ninnu nammina. Item 131 - Madhyamavathi The Dharmavathi RTP is very enjoyable. Can you please tell me the accompaniment details. (the mridangist gave excellent support to the vocalist).
Hemalatha said...
- Sir, Item no. 23 appears to be a repeat of 22 Item no. 39 appears to be a repeat of 38. Cud u pls confirm ? Thanks & Regards
Hemalatha said...
- Sir, Sl. Nos. 19 & 20 appear to be repeat Sl. Nos. 35 & 36 appear to be repeat Cud u pls check it out ? Thanks & Regards

Dear Ms. Hemalatha,
I have corrected 23, 39,20,and 36 as pointed out by you.
While apologising for the error, I thank you very much pointing out the error.
I will be careful in future.
Anonymous said...
- Namaste Mahodaya,
Dhanyavaadam for a good collection of a great legend.
mmr sekar said...
- sir,
Im a big fan of maharajapuram santhanam. if there are any songs on sri raghavendra performed by him i request you to upload them.already there are some sri raghavendra songs existing.
I am very grateful for your service in uploading all the songs.
thanking you,
mmr sekar.