I have posted under this caption many interesting mails received. But this is something very very special.
I am just posting this mail as it is. I hope many youngsters will be benefited
Dear Mama,
I am a regular visitor of your blog. I downloaded some songs and enjoyed them. Thanks.
I just found one web site about education. Check this site out and it will be useful for all school children. When I saw this site I remembered you and your blog. It is completely free high quality education to anyone, anywhere through you tube (Home School comes in You tube). You can give this information to all. Thanks. Given the website below. Seetha Hariharan http://www.khanacademy.org/ |
Dear Ms. Seetha Hariharan ! how will I express my gratitude to you !! You have clean bowled me when I was batting on my principle "Share whatever you acquire." and not even reached the double figure. A best gift on "Saraswathi Pooja" day to many youngsters.
Hats off to you
- Yes . One of the best and only site of its type in online,free education. Recently they have got SUPPORT FROM GATES foundation,google funds. vasudevan
Anonymous said...
- Excellent gift on Saraswati Puja day Thanks
- Unbelievable Ms Seetha, God send வர பிரசாதம் அதுவும் கல்வி கடவுள் சரஸ்வதி பூஜை அன்று Hats off to you Think Loud வாழ்த்துக்கள் சி பாஸ்கரன்
aoldeva said...
- Quote from Albert Einstein: "A hundred times everyday I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of other men - both living and dead - and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." Dear Sir, You have given in the same measure. But, we, no, I! MK Devarajan

Looks to be a good link.
I have forwarded to 2 of my contacts who may benefit from this.
Thanks for the link.