This was the mail from Mr. Yessel Narasimhan to Sangeethapriya group:

BHASKARAN19 said...
Anonymous said...
Dear All
Smt. Kodumudi Balambal Sundarambal aka KBS passed away this date in 1980 - a rare star in Thamizh music and cinema galaxy. The 1st women artiste to be paid a lakh of rupees - for her role as avaiyAr in the film on the legendary Thamizh poet, scholar, philosopher.
Most of would not have heard her sing kritis in languages other than Thamizh.
I wish offer my respects to KBS and her music through this track recorded during the Kanda Shasti festival at Devakottai in 1969.
Listen to a Bhadrachala rAmadass keerthan in mOhanam and her khAmbhOji rAga AlApanA uploaded

- Emiruchira - Mohanam and Kambodhi Aalapana

Thank you very much, our sincere thanks to Mr Yessel and to you for remembering the great artiste and probably the film industry itself would have forgotten her We have not seen real Avvaiyar but after see her performance in Gemini's Avvaiyar even childrend would that she was the real Avvaiyar. We are also joining you in paying our tribute to KBS

I like the songs in muruga swamy movie very much