Head Lines in Sun TV 7.00P.M News today (25.04.11)
Suresh Kalamadi arrested for corruption in CWG scam.
L. G. of Puduchery enquired by E.D
Dr. Karunanidhi will be filing a defamation case on Jayalalitha for accusing moving files.
Lacs assembled at Puttaparthi to pay homage to Sathya Sai Baba
I waited until the end of the News. No such mention. I think All the other News channels are bluffing.
I resolved not to see hereafter SUN TV also.
BHASKARAN19 said...
- ரொம்ப ரொம்ப ஆசை ரொம்ப ரொம்ப ஆசை -ஏமாற சொன்னது யாரோ சன்மீது கோவமும் ஏனோ
- Dear Mr. Bhaskaran I used to watch only 7.00 P.M News in Sun TV to know the developments during the day in Tamilnadu, since the morning Newspaper. Is there any Tamil News channel who gives News around this time unbiased? Now I determined to wait for 24 hours for Newspapers
BHASKARAN19 said...
- Sir My posting is done in a lighter vain. Why Tamil TVs for that matter none of the media today may be Tv channel or News Papers gives unbiased news. We all know it is all paid up news and everyone look at news in commercial angle. Hence expecting unbiased News is a dream in a current scenario
deeps vasan said...
- sir even some newspapers are biased. perhaps you can do like this : if you want to know about 2G spectrum watch Jaya tv news. you will get full coverage of it. and watch sun news(headlines) in case if jayalalitha receives any charge sheet or judgement against her from the court. in this way you can know the truth and come to conclusion that how both are cheating and making the people foolish.
Salvadesswaran Srinivasan said...
- Mr. Vaidya, I depend on Dinamalar for unbiased news - they are the only newspaper in India that are not a propaganda rag for any party. Even The Hindu has become obscenely pro-DMK after the advent of N.Ram. And the less said about the English channels who work like Sonia's PR department, the better.
VaK said...
- DMK always did soul searching outside; no wonder they found ideal company in Congress. 2G was corruption to others; for
DMK and Sonia’s so-called Congress, it was legal money-leak to drum and store. We have a conscience to answer; Sun TV is to DMK what NDTV is to Congress. Time, we stop watching their acts of blasphemy on the fourth estate. Some may say the same thing about the opposition parties. To me, since they are not in power, I shall judge only those who are now ruling the state and the country and exercise my democractic rights.
வழிப்போக்கன் said...
- Your witty but truthful comments are enjoyable.
As regards bias, both electronic and print media have some axe to grind. This applies to Dinamalar also.
When paid news is the norm of the day, we have to pick the grain from the chaff.