The following statement made by Sir Winston Churchill
64 years ago arguing against power being handed over to Indians has turned to be prophetic.
He was soft in not using the word "B_ST_R_S"
Our politicians need to be congratulated for the pains they have taken in these 63 years to prove Sir Winston Churchill was CORRECT.
Banu said...
- Instead the politicians can use their time to prove what they are voted and elected for. Pathetic to see the effects. Hate the news channels who repeat the scenes and make us immune. They are so proud to say "Mumbaikaars spring back to life soon". Idiots its their order of the day with boneless rulers!!!!
BHASKARAN19 said...
- Very true, heart choking, high time the corrupt inefficent UPA and PC are thrown out - who miserably failed in handling internal security inspite of bitter lessons learnt from the past, they have no time to look into this -most of their time spent on defending their corrupt cases
Dhobi’s wife!A Tamil proverb says, “Dhobi loved his wife, but she loved the
donkey”. This is the predicament of Ahmed Patel, Dig Vijaya Singh and
Rahul Gandhi. At the first fellow’s insistence, Congress entered into
a pact with Deoband priests and looked everywhere for “Hindu
donkey”. This is the predicament of Ahmed Patel, Dig Vijaya Singh and
Rahul Gandhi. At the first fellow’s insistence, Congress entered into
a pact with Deoband priests and looked everywhere for “Hindu
Congress may pretend to love Muslims but their love is for the donkey
not for Sachar report.
They have got the reply in Mumbai blasts.
Gujarat on the other hand is without these blasted blasts.
Congress never learns lessons!
VaK said...
Indian media invariably wake up all of a sudden to talk about security lapses, disaster management issues and our political leaders’ commissions and omissions. But between one terrorist act and another, they keep engaging people like Digvijay, Rahul Gandhi, Tarun Vijay, Farooqui and nephew Thackeray to air their atrocious views about religion, statehood and the country. Just as it is vote bank issue for our political parties, it is TRP problems for the press. The undoing has to begin somewhere, to sequentially perform right things at the right time.

Indian media invariably wake up all of a sudden to talk about security lapses, disaster management issues and our political leaders’ commissions and omissions. But between one terrorist act and another, they keep engaging people like Digvijay, Rahul Gandhi, Tarun Vijay, Farooqui and nephew Thackeray to air their atrocious views about religion, statehood and the country. Just as it is vote bank issue for our political parties, it is TRP problems for the press. The undoing has to begin somewhere, to sequentially perform right things at the right time.