Yes. I am back. From lot of frustration, (because of mediafire), many hesitations due to the doubts that whether I will have patience and energy to restore the lost files, and anxiety to assess the time it will take to restore four years efforts etc. etc, I was desperate.
But the love and affection showed by you all, the encouragement given by many followers of this blog, praying for my energy and health by many readers were reminding me that I should do it.
So, I am venturing again. I do not know whether I will be able to continue and succeed. But I will try my level best to satisfy you all. I have more commitment towards my family now, since I am going to become a grandfather by January end or February first week. I will love and like to spend as much time of my limited life with my grandson. Yet I will try to fulfill my commitments to thousands of readers of this blog.
It may take more time for me to do with the new server, with which I should get acquainted with as much with mediafire. The procedures are bit complicated to me to begin with. Age prevents me to grasp things fast and execute.You should pardon me if I am not up to your expectations in speed with the postings as well as replies to your queries.
While restoring the old files in the new format, I will also try to post new ones. Your comments and suggestions will be the "boost of my energy." Please tell/write/convey to your relatives and friends, who might have stopped coming to this blog with disappointment. It was surprising that even when I was inactive there were new followers to this blog. That does not go to my head but to shoulders.
I have posted new one of Ariyakkudi and restored the Concert No 18 of Smt Anuradha Krishnamourthy which was in my popular posts since I posted it.
I will try to avoid controversial postings and copyright violations ( even though I have my own reservations on these claims except commercial cds). Readers who send the contributions may also have this point into consideration.
We will meet again tomorrow.

Wonderful Sir. Welcome Back to your own blog. Our prayers are always there for you and your family. Good Luck. Regards. Hemalatha K and family

the arnold of blogs. welcome back sir.

Good Luck.

Glad you are back.
Lot of people will be relieved & happy.
I have one suggestion: The archives can be rebuilt by the followers and members , by sending non-copyright material. This can include private concerts and out-of copyright songs.
Anything registered with the Indian Performing Arts society (maybe the name is wrong- the body that holds all copyrights) is taboo. This includes most CDs and tapes.
Lot of people will be relieved & happy.
I have one suggestion: The archives can be rebuilt by the followers and members , by sending non-copyright material. This can include private concerts and out-of copyright songs.
Anything registered with the Indian Performing Arts society (maybe the name is wrong- the body that holds all copyrights) is taboo. This includes most CDs and tapes.

Advance congrats.. and all the best to your comeback.. :)