“What thing about humanity surprises you the most?”
His answer was as follows:
Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health
And then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn’t enjoy the present,
And as a result he doesn’t live in the present or the future
And he lives as if he’s never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived.
Contributed by Mr. Muralidhar
aoldeva said...
- Though those who have philosophic bent of mind or are spiritually-oriented know this, these quotes should be read daily in the morning and absorbed by everyone. Most of us have the knowledge that we are not this body and we are the spirit souls. However, having immersed in worldly affairs, we forget this. Once we forget this, what Dalai Lama has told will only happen. In ISKCON, one point is always insisted. To remember this fact always, it is preached that daily Naama Japam, daily Satsangam, vegetarian food (even avoiding garlic and onion), (mental and physical) truthfulness to spouse, refraining from intoxication and avoidance of totally materialistic-orineted people are a must. This will make us remember always that we are not this body and we are the spirit souls. Once this thought is deeply imbibed in our mind, we will not only have the knowledge, but also realization of this fact. Realization of this fact will make us to exclude ourselves from the definition of Dalai Lama. - Devarajan MK