I am not sure the concert was in this order.
Download 01 E Nati Nomu- Bhairavi- Adi- Thyagaraja.mp3
Download 02 Ennaga Manasu- Nilambari- Adi- Thyagaraja.mp3
Download 03 Entarani- Harikambhoji- Adi- Thyagaraja.mp3
Download 04 Evari Mata -Kambhoji- Adi- Thyagaraja.mp3
Download 05 Itu Sahasamulu- Saindavi- Adi- Maharaja Swathi Thirunal.mp3
Download 06 Maye Tvam- Tarangini- Adi- Muthuswami Dikshitar.mp3
Download 07 moulav Ganga (slokam)- Appaya Dikshitar- Shiva Shiva Shivam .mp3
Download 08 Rama Nee Samanamevaru- Kharaharapriya -Rupakam- Thyagaraja.mp3
Download 09 Rave Himagiri (Swarajati)- Todi- Adi- Shyama Sastri.mp3
Download 10 Sakhiprana (javali) -Chechuruti- Adi- Dharmapuri Subbarayar.mp3
Download 11 Sree Lakshmi Varaham- Abhogi- Adi- Muthuswami Dikshitar.mp3
Download 12Sri Kantimathim -Hemavathi- Adi- Muthuswami Ditshitar.mp3
Download 13Teliyaleru Rama- Dhenuka- Adi- Thyagaraja.mp3
Download 14 Tillana- Jenjhooti- Veena Seshanna .mp3
Download 15 Mangalam.mp3
..that getting down on yourself is not the answer. Why
would you do to you what God would never do to you?
The few things you do not "get right" (whatever that is)
cannot compare to the things at which you excel. Do
you know that? You are kind, you are caring, you are
generous, you are sensitive, you are compassionate, you
are forgiving, you are more accepting than you know,
and more loving than you will give yourself credit for.
Now...what else is there?
Try to understand this: You are doing just fine. Better
than 'just fine.' You are excelling. You are magnificent,
you are wonderful! And God loves you to pieces!