Download 01- Intha modi - Saranga - Tyagaraja.mp3
Download 02- Gajananayudam-Chakravaham - Dikshitar.mp3
Download 03 - Anaadhudanu ganu - Jingala- Tyagaraja.mp3
Download 04- Sudha Mayee - Amirthavarshini - Muthaiah Bhagavathar.mp3
Download 05- Chakkani Raja-Karaharapriya - Tyagaraja.mp3
Download 06- Thani.mp3
Download 07- Manasa sancharare - Saama - Sadasiva Brahmendra.mp3
Download 08- Ramachandra Prabhu Raghu Vamsa Rama - Bhajan.mp3
Download 09- Thillana - Paras.mp3
Courtesy: Sangeethapriya.org
...that life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds
and words return to us sooner or later with astounding
Florence Scovel Shinn said that, and she was right. So
before you think, do, or say anything -- imagine what it
would be like to receive what you are sending.
Then, go one step further. Decide ahead of time what
you would like to receive...and then send it. Quite
deliberately. That is, give to, or cause in the life of,
another what you would like to now experience.