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The symbolic attributes of Sri Ganesh are as follows:
¨ Huge head suggesting vast wisdom.
¨ Broad back suggesting ability to carry the burden of the nation on the back.
¨ Pillar-like legs depicting the steadfast, firm support to the edifice of the nation.
¨ Four hands carrying various instruments: one carrying books depicting knowledge and wisdom; another equipped with all sorts of weapons, conventional, as well as non-conventional- Nuclear (Shastra/Astra); the third with Modak (Prasad) distributing happiness (‘Mod’ means pleasure) and prosperity; and the fourth raised as a way of assurance and blessings to the Praja– citizenry.
¨ Small eyes symbolize a critical eye for observing smallest details.
¨ Small mouth suggests very conservative with words.
¨ Big ears, ever ready to listen to everyone.
¨ Tusks that bear heavy loads of responsibilities.
¨ Trunk that can lift even a minute object as a small needle in a haystack, suggesting attention to the minutest distress of the society.
¨ A Pot belly suggesting swallowing any wrong doings of the subjects and ever forgiving.
¨ A mouse under his toes, which has a habit of nibbling and destroying things, representing anti-social elements- criminals, hoarders, corrupt, etc. that try to destroy the fabric of the society.
Sent by Mr. Bhaskaran