Download 01-Vanajaksha-Mandari.mp3
Download 02-Gajavadana-Begada.mp3
Download 03-Endaro-Sri.mp3
Download 04-Pahimam-Mohanam.mp3
Download 05-Om Namo Narayana-Karnaranjini.mp3
Download 06-Nenarunchinaru-Malavi.mp3
Download 07-Dharmavathy-Ragam Tanam Pallavi.mp3
Download 08-Sankara Deva-Mohanamkalyani.mp3
Download 09-Virutham-Ragamalikai.mp3
Download 10-Tillana-Kamas.mp3
...that you are perfect just the way you are.
Yes, yes, I know...you and I have lots of the same
judgments about ourselves. But you know what? God
holds none of these judgments.
If you saw yourself as God sees you, you would smile
a lot.
So smile. And go forth now into your day, sharing the
wonder of Who You Are and who you now choose to
be. For we are blessed in you.

hello vaidya sir i need the varnam in mayamalava gowla composed by sri mahavaidyanathan shivan sung by anyone the song starts as shri rajarajeshwari please help

Dear Ms. Poornah,
There is one varnam in Maayamaalavagowla by Aruna Sairam under the label "Varnam" but not the one you asked for. There are 258 concerts sung by various artists. Every concert will have one Varnam. Try your luck there
There is one varnam in Maayamaalavagowla by Aruna Sairam under the label "Varnam" but not the one you asked for. There are 258 concerts sung by various artists. Every concert will have one Varnam. Try your luck there

Dear Mr Vaidya
U were introduced to me by my daugher
Meera Sunder fm Bhilai who is very much impressed by ur best efforts to feed quality info about carnatic n good articles.
Rajendiram Sampath
Camp Mauritius
U were introduced to me by my daugher
Meera Sunder fm Bhilai who is very much impressed by ur best efforts to feed quality info about carnatic n good articles.
Rajendiram Sampath
Camp Mauritius