In spite of in transit for 26 hours, also sitting for 20 hours in cramped chair, and 72 hours of improper sleep, this date fascinated me to write.
Because, I liked Trichur Ramachandran's concert very much, I wanted all of you to enjoy.That is why I added the pep of "my birthday gift". But, I never thought there will be so many friends, who like to wish for many happy returns of the day. I am overwhelmed and Your greetings did not go to my head, but to my shoulders, because I should be always responsible enough to deserve your love and affection. My heartfelt thanks to all those who wished me through blog, through mail and also through face book.
Apart from a new year resolution, that I will not see Ms. Burka dutt's progrmmes, and thereby if necessary NDTV also, I also resolved to post the concerts of new and upcoming artists, who have no Godfathers, in this blog. They may not be of very high standard according to some hard core rasikas, but it is also our responsibility to encourage such youngsters, in the interest of our music. I request the readers to send me such youngsters concerts, and I will certainly upload them. The young artists themselves can send me, if they are interested in having an "Internet platform" for them other than Temple, marriage, and Sabhas.
One simple request, to such artists ! Please do not demand any thing from such sponsors ( if they are prepared to give !), not even your conveyance, but certainly a good audio equipment ( I mean a mike set), which can help to record your concert perfectly. A transcend voice recorder which will cost less than Rs. 2000/- can be your capital for the prosperity, and you please record your concert, by keeping the same on the stage. That may record well, without much disturbance from audience , because, it is on the stage and also with a provision to record in noisy environment.
Another small request will be if you can edit, tag and send it through mediafire, It will make my job bit easy. Please pardon this old man for his selfish interest to avoid hard labour. You can edit and tag them through many software available in the internet. Readers can also suggest such software for the benefit of these youngsters.
It is 11.00 P.M. My body and my eyes are not cooperating with me to continue on this subject. Hope my friends, who are regular readers of this blog, will co operate with me and please give me your valuable suggestions
I expect the readers to hear those concerts, and give their opinions, suggestions, to enable such young
artists to learn further and expertise themselves to keep our carnatic music flag fly high for years to come.
BHASKARAN19 said...
Hemalatha said...
- I have stopped reading "The Hindu" since 2004 and stopped seeing NDTV since the controversy began. Sure, we can encourage young artists by sharing their concerts with our friends and relatives so that more people will know about them. Regards
Geetha said...
- A commendable task. I always have a deep concern for the future of Carnatic music. With all possible distractions and huge a pressure from the education front, the children who genuinely show interest in classical music and make it to the concert level are surely to be encouraged. I am in complete ageement with views on NDTV and The Hindu too.
Anonymous said...
- OH any one can make out for a long time NDTY is pro congress and supports congress to the hilt during Polytical discussions any body oposses or contradicts congress members view automaticaly NDTV Host cuts him off by shifting the cemara away from the speaker and dont allow the speaker to speek

Please accept my belated birthday wishes to you. I am one of those who enjoy your blog. I am so thankful to you for giving us so many links for those wonderful songs by different artists.
With Prayers to the ALMIGHTY to keep you always Healthy,Peaceful and Prosperous,
With Regards,