Where two oceans meet... but do not mix! INCREDIBLE AND SIMPLY MIND-BLOWING!!!
These two bodies of water were merging in the middle of The Gulf of Alaska and there was a foam developing only at their junction. It is a result of the melting glaciers being composed of fresh water and the ocean has a higher percentage of salt causing the two bodies of water to have different densities and therefore makes it more difficult to mix. Photograph by Kent Smith.

I was the photographer of this image while in Alaska. You can read more about it here http://www.flickr.com/photos/kentsmith9/4955772693/in/set-72157622762300631/ . For those who do not believe the image is real, here are the other shots that lead up to that moment and one after we passed it http://www.flickr.com/photos/kentsmith9/6602530369/in/photostream/

It was such a wonderful pic!!
I really loved the pic and I did some search on internet.
the salt water and fresh water do not mix and the surface is called "helocline" this can be found in almost all the estuaries
Cape Agulhas: south Africa
Indian ocean meets and the Atlantic
Cape Horn: near Chile (Drake Passage)
Pacific and Atlantic ocean
Pacific and Indian ocean: near Bali, between Australia and Asia
Arctic and Atlantic ocean: near Greenland
Baring Strait:
Arctic meets Pacific
I really loved the pic and I did some search on internet.
the salt water and fresh water do not mix and the surface is called "helocline" this can be found in almost all the estuaries
Cape Agulhas: south Africa
Indian ocean meets and the Atlantic
Cape Horn: near Chile (Drake Passage)
Pacific and Atlantic ocean
Pacific and Indian ocean: near Bali, between Australia and Asia
Arctic and Atlantic ocean: near Greenland
Baring Strait:
Arctic meets Pacific

@renuka , elsewhere , ITS not the same phenomena...,There is no other place....where a fresh water glacier meets., Saline water ocean.., This happens only in Gulf of Alaska.., Where the frozen fresh water glacier slides into Pacific ocean., .. In other places....Its just two salt water bodies that meet..,