Today I have refreshed:
01. Ghantasala's Bhagavad geethai under the label "Devotional"
02. Dr. Balamuralikrisha - Sadasiva Brahmendra under the label "Dr. Balamuralikrishna"
03. Concert No 225 - Chembai vaidyanatha bhagavather under the label "Concerts"
04. Concert No 222 - Chembai vaidyanatha bhagather under the label "Concerts"
05. Concert No 230 - Chembai vaidyanatha bhagather under the label "Concerts"
06. M.S.Subbalakshmi in 11 languages under the label "M.S.Subbalakshmi"

Sir, 9.87/km is damn cheap. Last week I had to travel from Chennai Central to Arumbakam - I think that the distance should be max. 8Kms. It was around 5 in the morning - I went to the prepaid auto stand (thinking that it will be like in Bangalore) - and they gave me a slip for Rs.147.00(their token charge was Rs.3.00). The auto driver told me that I had to pay night charge of Rs.30.00 also. After a lot of heated arguments, I did not pay that 30.00 rupees. Of course no one is going to search for all the exact change and so I gave 150.00 and plus the 3.00 the auto fare will work out to Rs.19.00+ On my return I took the bus and it was only Rs.6.00! I fainted. - Hema

At Chennai, the following rates apply:
Minimum: Rs.40 ( less than 1 km.)
Senior citizens : alone Rs.70
Senior Citizens with a bag or a kid Rs.100
Night Time: Rs.150
per km.charges:
Rs.20 /- ( chennai central to Arumbakkam is really 8.6 kms.)
petrol costs nearly Rs.70 to Rs.75
usually our autos, the drivers say, run only 5 to 7 kms for 1 litre of petrol.
apart from this there is usual bata for uniforms.
What else can these poor auto drivers do?
Pity them !
They also have a family to support
Bharat mata ki jay
subbu thatha
Minimum: Rs.40 ( less than 1 km.)
Senior citizens : alone Rs.70
Senior Citizens with a bag or a kid Rs.100
Night Time: Rs.150
per km.charges:
Rs.20 /- ( chennai central to Arumbakkam is really 8.6 kms.)
petrol costs nearly Rs.70 to Rs.75
usually our autos, the drivers say, run only 5 to 7 kms for 1 litre of petrol.
apart from this there is usual bata for uniforms.
What else can these poor auto drivers do?
Pity them !
They also have a family to support
Bharat mata ki jay
subbu thatha