"Feb.3, Sunday evening was special at The Music Academy Madras/Chennai. For, it was a special concert to celebrate Sri Thyagaraja as an aradhana. Special by two well known vocalists - S Sowmya and Nityashree Mahadevan. Special because Nityashree came on stage a month after she bore a personal tragedy - losing her husband. And the wonderfulness of this concert was the free spirit, verve and passion with which Nityashree performed this evening. With that trademark smile and expressive eyes." (courtesy: Kutcheri Buzz)
Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled the light. ~ Albert Schweitzer
They - Sowmya and Nithyasree - may be competitors alright but the picture above (courtesy: Kutcheri Buzz) clearly shows the basic human warmth and camaraderie between the two singers. Kudos to Sowmya for having shared the stage with Nithyasree yesterday. The first outing when you stage a comeback after a personal tragedy is the most difficult one and a little bit of support at that critical juncture, is of immense help indeed.
Nithyasree, by bouncing back so soon, has proved that it is all about regenerative capability really because as somebody said "the issue is not simply surviving difficult times, or about emerging stronger, more capable, and wiser than before - it is about having your regenerative capabilities so that you can take advantage of newer opportunities and finally store the capacity to deal with yet another, inevitable downturn that is waiting beyond the bend."
May Nithyasree go from strength to strength now and may she bless us all with her divine music! Here's wishing her all the very best!
Courtesy: Sulekha.com