- http://www.mediafire.com/?zapt4ccvcha7g92 Part - 01
- http://www.mediafire.com/?fu6myc4mc6w2ucx Part - 02
- http://www.mediafire.com/?opvvtl7925033b2 Part - 03
- http://www.mediafire.com/?pd7z1zw81h8bwb6 Part - 04
- http://www.mediafire.com/?u5a23qwh7lzv8ut Part - 05
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bx94adjl6f4sy71 Part - 06
- http://www.mediafire.com/?6jfj4jrs6h7s4af Part - 07
- http://www.mediafire.com/?3z9k7ucabjelcr6 Part - 08
- http://www.mediafire.com/?twn4x88dcn6j8jj Part - 09
- http://www.mediafire.com/?91pr0q35e3ad9v0 Part - 10
- http://www.mediafire.com/?a76aa3qt4uhe5f4 Part - 11
Maran Collects said...
- Thanks for the links. Part3 is not working. Could you please check
- Might have been over crowded in downloads when you tried or some server problem. It is working. Please try again
Anonymous said...
- Dear Sir Sri Vaithinathan Hariharan Ramana Maharshi answers to a query whether Gnaanam is possible for every human by stating the real impediment is that there is Agnaanam and I am an Agnaani. The real problem is that I am bounded and there is bondage. There is Gnaanam or Intelligence only and following the Reflected Intelligence, that is , the association with the limited body concept makes one to think that there is something beyond Intelligence. It is not true. Everyone is a Gnaani and the pity is that he forgets that he is a Gnaani. Corporate Sadhus, my friend uses this term, unnecessarily beat about the bush and subsequently trying to establish that they know more and exhibit that they are one cut above us. Again submiting to the body concept. You surrender to the Supreme and just be a person occupying a house for rent. This everyone is doing whenever they are in a tight spot and after coming out of the spot they give up the One Intelligence Concept and depend on reflected intelligence. The act of the reflected intelligence is cyclic, lower to upper and upper to lower. This can be seen on the life style of the families having had a splendid lives and then falling flat on the ground. Nobody is an exception as everyone is caught in this system of cycle. So there is no point to lament or to gloat as the sword is hanging over the head always. With warm regards ravi