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Monday, February 21, 2011
So jaa raajakumari ....creation Hakkim shah
Anonymous said...
- Dear Sir Sri Vaithinathan Hariharan What a song. SOJA RAJKUMARI SOJA--K.L.SAIGEL. I immediately started to sleep. The taste of the Sir is unfathomable. Oh God. I am very fortunate to hear the song again that was heard by me some 39 years back. How can I praise the Sir. I find no matching words. Thank You Sir. With warm regards ravi
February 21, 2011 11:07 PM
Anonymous said...
- Dear Sir Sri Vaithinathan Hariharan Namaste. In continuation of the song Soja Rajkumari Soja, I request the Sir to make available the following song by K.L.Saigel. "Dhuniya OH Dhuniya" a masterpiece by the great singer. Once I have taken up the position of placing demands. Sorry Sir. I am craze about this song. I know the Sir can make it. With warm regards ravi
February 23, 2011 12:15 PM
S.poorniAnn said...
- Dear sir,
My father was used to sing this song very often during my childhood days.Thank u sir for uploading this.
with namaskarams
March 1, 2011 7:22 PM
Visakha Hari - Padmavathy Kalyaanam

Thank Ms. Vaishgnavi Giri
Hemalatha said...
- Dear Sir, Thanks for the excellent Discourse. Regards
February 21, 2011 11:18 PM
murphy said...
- MAMA , excellent Discourse.But why the volume is so low compare to other discourses.i crosschecked my volume adjustments.Can u help? Is this problm is for me only?i am downloading in laptop,then i used to save it in my mp3. regards Annapoorni
March 1, 2011 7:36 PM -
hvaidya said...
- Dear Ms. Annapoorni, I heard the files saved in my laptop, from where I uploaded. They are good. I will check up from some more who downloaded, whether there is any problem and write back to you
March 1, 2011 8:46 PM
Vidya said...
- Thanks a million Sir! These are the best collections of Visaka hari! My prayers to the lord to give you health,wealth and prosperity!
April 11, 2011 6:54 AM
LASHMAN S L said...
- wow!mindblowing discourse.sir can u pls. upload parvathy kalyanam and nandhanar charithraam.pls. send me reply.thank you.........
May 19, 2011 7:20 AM

I will. Please be on the look out
May 20, 2011 6:28 PM
pinkdrops said...
- Hello sir, I have been going through your entire blog and it is AMAZING. I am a huge fan of Vishaka Hari and this collection is exactly what i was looking for..:) Thank you so much.. Archana Vasudevan
May 31, 2011 2:33 PM

LASHMAN SL said...
- sir,please upload anything.for so many days u din`t upload anything.i am sorry.but i am eager to hear more discourses.i am visiting your blog everyday.but with dissatisfaction i am leaving your are uploading many discourses done by my spiritual master krishna premi.then why are you not uploading vishaka hari`s kathas.
June 20, 2011 11:02 AM
Dear Mr.Prime Minister,
Like millions of ordinary Indians, I too watched from the beginning till the end your televised interaction with selected journalists from the electronic media on February 16,2011.
You had never spoken to us, the ordinary people of India, on the various scams which have rocked the country one after another since August last year. Our only source of information has been the media.
As the citizens of this country who put your party in power, we had a right to expect that you will talk to us and explain to us what is the truth and how you intend arresting and reversing the rot that has set in and the continuing decline in the credibility and image of India as a result of the stories of these scams .
These stories---whether correct wholly or only partly--- have brought out one thing loud and clear--- the ineptitude and incompetence of your Government, the poor supervision which seems to prevail in many Ministries and offices, including the Prime Minister's Office, and the insensitivity of many senior members of your Cabinet to public concerns over these alleged scams.
Corruption is nothing new, but the magnitude of it as seen since you came to power has been highly disturbing . What is new is the ineptitude, the incompetence and the lack of supervision which seem to prevail since you came to power--- the like of which one had not seen under any other Prime Minister of India since we became independent in 1947.
You try to blame your difficulties and embarrassments on your having to run a coalition. You are not the first Prime Minister having to run the country at the head of a coalition. V.P.Singh, Chandrasekhar, Deve Gowda, Inder Gujral and Atal Behari Vajpayee headed coalitions too. Despite this, they gave us a government which worked as a team and which did not pull in different directions. I can't recall any instance under the previous coalitions where a Minister repeatedly circumvented the instructions of the Prime Minister, without fearing the consequences of his action.
All the previous Prime Ministers, who headed coalition Cabinets, made it clear to their political associates who the boss was and who would take important decisions. They never tolerated anyone who sought to circumvent their instructions. They never let their political allies dictate terms to them.
This is the first time we are seeing a Prime Minister, who tries to earn not the confidence of the people by projecting himself as a strong leader who will not tolerate any nonsense from his coalition partners, but the pity of the people by projecting himself as a helpless leader, who has nothing but to do what his coalition partners ask him to do.
We watched in utter amazement for one hour on February 16 not the rallying cry of a leader, who has realised the magnitude of the rot and who is determined to set it right whatever be the consequences to his position as the Prime Minister, but an exercise in self-pity of a leader who is at the mercy of his coalition partners and does not have the courage to call them to order.
This was the first time we had an opportunity of listening to you on the State of the country in the light of these scams. We were looking forward not to excuses and pretexts to explain away the sins of commission and omission of your government, but to a bold re-assertion of your leadership as the Prime Minister of this great country, who has the courage to face the people of this country in their eyes and reassure them: Thus far and no further.
I have no doubt in my mind that many right-thinking people of India, like me,must have felt ashamed and enraged as they saw the Prime Minister of this country giving out one excuse after another for not being able to govern effectively and for not being able to prevent blatantly wrong decisions and corruption.
You let us down badly, Mr.Prime Minister. You let us down badly.
Warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
Additional Secretary (retd),
Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi
sent by Bhaskaran Sivaraman
Anonymous said...
- It was really sad, unfortunate to hear the P.M. covertly rather justifying 2G auction comparing it to the subsidies handed out on Kerosene etc. And one knows that the subsidy on the above essentials are a social commitment and I humbly fee that it can not be equated to loss on 2 G auction.
February 21, 2011 7:21 PM
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