- http://www.mediafire.com/?6x5kyw1twi8w132 Sankarabaraban
- http://www.mediafire.com/?3ezx0m42tkxo8jo Naattai
- http://www.mediafire.com/?kgqq66cmfgrrvgu Asaaveri
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ebbwznkapbaby90 Durbaar
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hz177yrfo9uu6tt Panthuvaraali
- http://www.mediafire.com/?8u77mb491nq9kj7 Bilahari
- http://www.mediafire.com/?r9h9qnuq2mdi6yk Madhyamavathi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?o8mfdoygzh8wjdw Dhwajaavanthi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?qrtykpuz291xref Hindholam
- http://www.mediafire.com/?n38u9sqd1ab3sv9 Hamsanaadham
- http://www.mediafire.com/?0qsoa2xjlafz4hm Sindhubairavi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1ln5tcmf529gcot Thiruppugazh
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x6ykdv1b61gd21a Mangalam
- http://www.mediafire.com/?7df8ubu3fkoyoa9 Karaharapriya ( Refer Mr. Venkat's comment below)
..that everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or
sense in any way is an aspect of Divinity.
It is when you judge it to be something else that it shows
up as something else in your life. Therefore, judge not,
and neither condemn.
For that which you judge, judges you; and that which
you condemn will condemn you. Yet that which you see
for what it really is will see you for what you really are.
And therein will be found your peace.
Thank Mr. Gopu
Venkat S said...
hvaidya said...
poornah said...

Sir, #9 Kharaharapriya is not by MSG. It is the incomparable 'rAma nee samAnamevaru' from the once-in-a-lifetime violin-venu-veena concert of LGJ-NR-RV. Thanks for the MSG concert.

Dear Mr. Venkat,
I am sorry for the error. I have posted that separately for the benefit of the readers
I am sorry for the error. I have posted that separately for the benefit of the readers

I need the song "RAMA RAMANA rara-by sri.tyagaraja". Pl. let me know, the link as i didnt find it in carnatic music ragaas link! moreover if you get time pl. go thru the link of yogasangeeta. org, seems intresting (to me). Thank you
I need the song "RAMA RAMANA rara-by sri.tyagaraja". Pl. let me know, the link as i didnt find it in carnatic music ragaas link! moreover if you get time pl. go thru the link of yogasangeeta. org, seems intresting (to me). Thank you