The intention of this blog is only to share the collections. Inadvertently if any file is under copyright, please intimate me so that it can be removed forthwith.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Theervai Nokki Jai Bharath English Harikatha Smt,Vishakha Hari

Visakha Hari - Pancharathna krithis

Please click below to download the everlasting krithis.

Visakha Hari - Pancharathna krithis

Sudha Raghunathan - Concert No 14

Please click below to dowload 8 files from this concert

Sudha Raghunathan - Concert No 14

Rubrik Culture from the Perspective of a Boomerang


I don’t post on LinkedIN much, as with most people who have a motor mouth like myself I am abundantly aware of the saying “once it's on the internet, it’s forever” and for that reason I don’t use social media.  Given the huge day for Rubrik yesterday I thought I’d share a story that is personal to me and maybe professionally relevant to you whether you be a customer/consumer, investor or professional looking for your next journey. It's about the culture and before you check out, I was the poster child of saying the mission statement of a company didn’t really matter and was used as the opener for the Employee Handbook. I can assure you there is more to it than that, at least at Rubrik. So here we go….

I joined Rubrik in August of 2015 as a Systems Engineer supporting the Southeast US. There is a whole hilarious story on the interview that should be put on the show Silicon Valley but will leave that for another time.  Had a fun, crazy and chaotic first year working to help build the company and territory from nothing.  At about month 11 I was propositioned by a small storage startup based in Israel and for reasons I still can’t articulate I took it and gave my resignation. I think it must have been arrogance or immaturity but I was given rational reasons I should stay but my stubbornness took over and I followed through.  I cringe at that moment to this day.

Fast forward 3 months and I am struggling. The tech at the new company was great but I felt like I had the best hammer invented but couldn’t find a nail (a use case) to use it on.  So I reached out to Arvind Nithrakashyap and Soham Mazumdar , the founding engineers at Rubrik because I needed help and thought they could provide guidance.  Remember, I quit on these dudes 3 months prior effectively bailing on their vision of the future so if I were them I woulda told me to go pound sand, I’m busy building the company you didn’t stick around for and they would have been right to do so. The opposite happened, they invited me to Palo, reserved a room for 2 hours and sat there listening, giving advice and making me feel better about my prospects.  Who in the hell does that?!  I quit on them, on their dream which meant way more to them than I can imagine. Apparently they do because they are good people who care about other people’s success and happiness.

Fast forward another 3 or so months and the start up is not out of money but really in need of additional funding and VC guidance.  I don’t know Ravi Mhatre, Mark Leslie, Frank Slootman etc but wanted to help. But how? I am just a guy in the field trying to do right by my customers and employer. I don't know that world at all BUT I still had Bipul Sinha 's cell number in my phone so I called and asked for help from the very man I had quit on 6 months prior.  If there was ever a moment a person should have said “go <insert a series of curse words> yourself” it should have been him and again it would have been more than justified, it would have been well deserved.  So what happens? He embraces me, reaches out to some extremely prominent VC’s that I will omit out of respect and arranges for my CEO at the time to meet with them.  I will say again, who in the hell does that?!  Maybe I am petty but I sure as heck wouldn’t have.  Again, it was because he cares about people genuinely just like Nitro, just like Soham and the other founders at Rubrik. There is a theme emerging….

As you may have noticed, I do indeed work at Rubrik today.  I returned 12 months after my initial departure in large part to the above story and the support of good people who cared about me as a person such as Eric Chang , Mike Tornincasa and many others. I will be forever grateful.

In closing to this long story I would say to anybody who has Rubrik technology, is considering acquiring it, investors and professionals looking for a career change that Rubrik is more than millions of lines of code.  It’s more than Data Security. Rubrik cares about your success, it was literally engrained in the company’s DNA since day one.  I’ve seen it and to me that is more important than anything else.  Thank you for reading.  -Courtesy : 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Gayathri Venkatraghavan - Concert No 07

A nice concert with 16 files. Please click below to download

Gayathri Venkatraghavan - Concert No 07

Keyboard Sathyanarayana

Please click below to download

Keyboard Sathyanarayana

Hindi old songs

There are 21 old songs in video. Please click below to download

Hindi old songs


Visakha Hari - Narayana theerthar

This upanyasam was on 5th November 2008. Please click below to download

Visakha Hari - Narayana theerthar

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Interesting !!!

 Zoom and see.

ccourtesy : facebook "Rqmaswamy Balasubramanian

Nithyashri - Concert No 12

This concert has 17 files. Please click below to download

Nithyashri - Concert No 12

Neiveli Santhanagopalan - Concert No 06

This concert was in 2020 at Mudhra, Chennai. Please click below to download

Neiveli Santhanagopalan - Concert No 06

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Nisha Rajagopal - Concert No 07

There are 11 files in this folder. Please click below to download

Nisha Rajagopal - Concert No 07

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) Rings The Opening Bell®

My son Arvind Nithrakashyap (Nitro) Founder - CTO of Rubrik on the occasion of  NYSE opening bell for Rubrik.
தந்தை மகற்காற்றும் உதவி அவையத்து முந்தியிருப்ப செயல் .Told by Thiruvalluvar. But the roles played by my wife, my mother, and my elder sister Saroji was more than mine.
மகன் தந்தைக்காற்றும் உதவி இவன் தந்தை  என்நோற்றான் கொள் எனும் சொல்  Arvind did it!!!

கெஜ்ரிவாலை அன்றே கணித்த துக்ளக் சோ! thuglak gurumurthy about AAP Arvind ...

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Gayathri Venkatraghavan - Concert No 06

This is an All India Radio concert accompanied by Kandadevi Sri K.Vijayaraghavan-Violin and Sri B.Ganapathiraman-Mrudangam. please click below to download

Gayathri Venkatraghavan - Concert No 06

JAI SHREE RAM | Naani Krissh | English | Sai Pavan | HCVII

Kunnakkudi M. Balamuralikrishna - Concert No 03

This concert was on 16th December 2011 at All India Radio accompanied by Mullaivasal Sri G.Chandramouli-Violin
Sri B.Sivaraman-Mrudangam and Dr.S.Karthick-Ghatam. Please click below to download

Kunnakkudi M. Balamuralikrishna - Concert No 03

ACC's 13th Anniversary-Kunnakudi M Balamuralikrishna Vocal

Ranjani - Gayathri - Concert No 06

Please click below to download.

Ranjani - Gayathri - Concert No 06

Nisha Rajagopal - Concert No 06

This concert was in 2007. Please click below to download

Nisha Rajagopal - Concert No 06

Shrivalson J Menon - concert No 02

This concert from Door darshan, Malayalam in 2017 accompanied by Sri Edappally Ajith Kumar-Violin,Sri T.R.Sundaresan-Mrudangam, Sri B.S.Purushothaman-Kanjira and 
Sri Kovai Suresh-Ghatam. Please click below to download

Shrivalson J Menon - concert No 02

Brochevarevarura of Mysore Vasudevacharya | Maalavika Sundar | Kamas | A...

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Rubrik going public

Wish you all the best Arvind Nithrakashyap ( Founder and CTO) in " Microsoft-backed Rubrik looking to raise $713 million in latest tech IPO" on 25th April 2024."

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Adani's oasis next to Pakistan:


A narrow airstrip that doesn't even have an air traffic controller to guide incoming airplanes and whose only infrastructure is a portable toilet and a make-shift office in a container in the midst of miles of barren land bordering Pakistan is an unlikely gateway to the world's largest renewable energy park. The airstrip was even smaller in December 2022, when Adani group head Gautam Adani, who was then the second richest person in the world, first used a small aircraft to reach the barren area  ..

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Madurai Somu - Concert No 18

A long concert consisting 29 files accompanied by M S Gopalakrishnan - Violin,  and Trichy Sankaran - Mridangam. Please click below to download.

Madurai Somu - Concert No 18

Raghuveera Gadhyam by Sadwini Koppa | Vedanta Desika

Raghuveera Gadhyam - Vedanta Desika Movie | Rama Bhakthi Songs | Hindu D...

This is a portion of the 'matchless' composition called #RaghuveeraGadyam RG (aka #MahaviraVaibhavam) by Swami Sri #VedantaDesika (13-14 century CE. polymath preceptor). In the last 6 years, I have seen this video (& audio) do multiple rounds in SM. I have delivered discourses on many compositions (in multiple languages) on Sri #Rama. IMHO, nothing gets close to the grandeur of this composition. #VedantaDesika proves why he is the 'lion among poets' in this 'prose' melody. In 2015, when Sri Muktha Srinivasan asked me to essay the role of VD, I insisted that we have RG in the movie. He asked, "Can the audience understand?". I remember saying, "Sir, it is not about understanding. It is about the valor and devotion the composition evokes." Dr Rajkumar Bharathi while composing had a tough time to set it to mohanam (raga) as there was no rhythm in a prose composition like this. Abhishek Raghuram was chosen for rendering this, and he did a marvelous job. Our movie shoot began with this song and rest is history. Even as a child, I remember being excited to render this one composition. I don't know if I am partial to VD or RG, but I hope to ferry a 1000 yatris one day to #Ayodhya (Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra) & sing #RaghuveeraGadyam in chorus!  Courtesy: Facebook : Dushyanth Sridhar

Visakha Hari - Meera

 In the early years of this millennium (from 2003 to 2008), we encountered a visa issue that barred us from visiting the USA for four years. Despite this limitation, we remained unwavering in our attendance of the programs featuring the artist, no matter where they were held in Chennai. On one occasion, as we returned home from yet another captivating performance, I shared with my wife a profound realization: 'Perhaps Providence withheld our journey to the USA because it knew we were destined not to miss a single one of Visakha Hari's programs.' Such was the profound impact she and her discourses had etched upon our minds."   Please click below to download

Visakha Hari - Meera

Monday, April 8, 2024

Palghat K. V. Narayanaswamy

There are about 15 songs from various concerts. Please click below to download

Palghat K. V. Narayanaswamy

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Palghat K. V. Narayanaswamy - Concert No 27

This elaborate concert with 19 files at Malvankar Auditorium, New Delhi in the year 1975 accompanied by T. N. Krishnan in Violin and Velore Ramabadran. Please click below to download

Palghat K. V. Narayanaswamy - Concert No 27

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Invredible India !!!

Prompt: Imagine a Kashmiri craftsman delicately weaving threads of fine pashmina wool together, his skilled hands moving with precision and care. Surrounded by vibrant colors and intricate patterns, he creates a luxurious shawl, each stitch a testament to centuries of tradition and craftsmanship. Through his artistry, he brings to life the timeless beauty of Kashmiri textiles, weaving together stories of culture and heritage with every thread.

Coutesy: Face book of My Indian AI Arts

Palghat K. V. Narayanaswamy - Concert No 26

In the year 1975 this concert was at Dikshiter Bi-centenary festival consisting all Dikshiter krithis, accompanied by V. V. Subramanian in Violin and Umaiyalpuram K. Sivaraman in Mrudhangam. Please click below to download

Palghat K. V. Narayanaswamy - Concert No 26

O. S. Arun - Concert No 06

This concert is having 17 files. Please click below to download

O. S. Arun - Concert No 06

Raga Music & Its Essence by TM Krishna with Akkarai Subhalakshmi & Prave...

Govardhana Giridhara | Spoorthi Rao | Narayana Teertha | Krishna Janmash...

Friday, April 5, 2024

Shriranjani Santhanagopalan - Concert No 03

There are 9 files in this concert. Please click below to download

Rajesh Vaidya (Veena) - Concert No 01

This concert has 17 files with popular krithis. Please click below to download

Rajesh Vaidya (Veena) - Concert No 01

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Dakshayani Rakshamam drutam - Naganandini - Dr. M Balamuralikrishna (1...

Creative highligh

Sandeep Narayan - Concert No 03

On 28th December 2010 at Music Academy, was accompanied by BAnathakrishnan_and NirmalNarayan. Please click below to download

Sandeep Narayan - Concert No 03

O. S. Thiagarajan - Concert No 05

This concert has "Kalyana Rama" in Hamsanadham by Ooththukkaduu, elaborately. Please click below to download

Sarigamapadani Padeda by Balamurali

Raagam with Natabhairavi with grahabedham

Palghat K.V. Narayanaswany - Concert No 25

This concert was accompanied by V. Thiagarajan in Violin and Vellore Ramabadran. Pleas click below to download

Palghat K.V. Narayanaswany - Concert No 25

Dakshayani abhayambike -Todi - Rupaka - Dikshitar - BMK - ARS - KKR - Li...

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sanjay Subramanian - Concert No 19

There are 14 files with elaborate bhairavi and RTP in this concert. Please click below to download

Sanjay Subramanian - Concert No 19

Kadri Gopalnath - Concert No 02

This concert has 13 files. Please click below to download

Kadri Gopalnath - Concert No 02

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Palghat K.V. Narayanaswany - Concert No 24

This concert was accompanied by M. Chandrasekar in Violin and Palghat Raghu in Mrudhangam. Please click below to download

Palghat K.V. Narayanaswany - Concert No 24

Sudha Raghunathan - Concert No 13

There are 16 files in this folder. Please click brlow to download.

Sudha Raghunathan - Concert No 13

Artificial Intelligence

 Madhavi an excellent Bharat Natyam Dancer gives peak of her performance Before Kovalan and Kovalan was Just thrilled and stunned seeing her performance.

Prompt: High resolution 3D 16k Ultra realistic image of a Bharat Natyam dancer in mid-air jump pose with right hand stretched, left hand raised, legs in unison with mudra, wearing traditional costume and ornaments, in a king's courtyard with vibrant colors and cinematic lighting.
Facebook Group: Indian AI Art

Monday, April 1, 2024

M. L. Vasanthakumari - Concert No 16

This concert was accompanied .by Shri.Thiruvellor_Subramanian-violin and Shri.Thanjavur_Krishnamurthy_Rao-mrudhangam. Please click below to download.

M. L. Vasanthakumari - Concert No 16

Palghat K.V. Narayanaswany - Concert No 23

Remembering Padma Shri and Sangeet Natak Akademi awardee Carnatic vocalist K V Narayanaswamy (15 November 1923 - 1 April 2002), is widely considered to be among the finest Carnatic music vocalists of the 20th century.
Born to a Palakkad Iyer family in Palghat, a district renowned for its cultural and musical traditions in Kerala, he learned basic music lessons from his father Fiddle Viswanatha Bhagavatar and grandfather Narayana Bhagavatar. Ramanarayanan first began extensive training under Mridangam maestro, Padma Bhushan Palghat Mani Iyer, who proceeded to place him under the tutelage of Sangeetakalacharya C.S. Krishna Iyer, a highly competent vocalist, musicologist and composer in Palghat, and then under violinist and Sangeetha Kalanidhi Papa Venkataramiah.
In 1942, Ramanarayanan entered the home of Ariyakudi Ramanuja Iyengar and remained an ardent disciple until the latter's death in 1967.
Starting off with a Madras Music Academy concert in 1954, in which he was accompanied by doyens Palghat Mani Iyer and Papa Venkataramayya, Narayanaswamy’s career kicked off. Then over the years he performed with legends of percussion as Palani Subramaniam Pillai, Palghat R. Raghu, Mavelikkara Velukkutty Nair, and Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman, among others.
On being made professor of music at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, between 1965–67, he went on a coast-to-coast concert tour of USA. He was one of four artists including Bismillah Khan, Ali Akbar Khan, and Ravi Shankar who participated in the hugely popular Hollywood Bowl music festival in Los Angeles in the summer of 1967.In 1974, KVN went to teach in Berkeley, California for a year, in the company of dancer Balasaraswati and sitarist Nikhil Banerjee. Invited by the American Society of Eastern Arts, he traveled to North America, Europe (Berlin Music Festival in 1976) and Australia (Adelaide Arts Festival in 1988) multiple times thereafter on various concert tours. He also joined the Music College in Madras as a lecturer in 1962 when Musiri Subramania Iyer was its principal, and retired as Professor of Music in 1982. In 1984, Narayanaswamy was to become the first Indian musician to be awarded the Fulbright Scholarship and went to San Diego State University in California as an artist-in-residence under the scholarship. For nine months he taught at the university and gave performances all over North America.
Some of his leading disciples were Padma Narayanaswamy, renowned flautist Shashank Subramanyam, vocalist K.V.Ananthan, violinist and vocalist Hemmige V.Srivatsan, Padma Sandilyan, Hemmige S.Prashanth, Pattabhirama Pandit M.R.Subramaniam, T S Ranganathan, Manipallavam K.Sarangan and Balaji Prasath.
He has received the President of India’s Padma Shri in1976, Central Sangeet Natak Academi Award in 1976 and Madras Music Academy’s Sangita Kalanidhi Award, 1986, among others.
Courtesy: Facebook Chandrakant Pandit
Please Click below to download this concert accompanied by T.N. Krishnan in Violin and Palghat Raghu in Mrudhangam.

Palghat K.V. Narayanaswany - Concert No 23

What a perfect work , that too in sand !!!