Good one..read on....
I think we should have job reservations in all the fields.
I completely support the PM and all the politicians for promoting this. Let's start the reservation with our cricket team.
Cricket rules should be modified accordingly.
The boundary circle should be reduced
for an SC/ST player.
The four hit by an SC/ST/OBC player should be considered as a six and a six hit by a SC/ST/OBC player should be counted as 8 runs.
I have received a mail from a friend of mine, that this is not an authentic one. Perhaps, this statement was made by Mr.Azim Premji, may not be authentic. But the matter is very authentic, from the fact, a comment received from an affected person which is below (Second one). Hence I retain it with a hope that this has got to be seriously discussed. Though Mr. Abraham Lincoln fought for Black's rights in America, he never created reservation for them. He got them all the rights and told them to get deserve for betterment. And today a black is the President of USA
Anonymous said...
- Azim Premji has conveyed the bitter truth, eventhough in a lighter vein. In case of Doctors, it actually happened in Gujarat about two decades back when an SC Surgeon was not getting any cases referred to him in Govt. Civil Hospital. Even SC/ST patients were opting for other surgeons. He made a representation to the Govt. that 10% of surgery cases should be referred to him only. Someone then remarked in Secretariat that let the Health Minister and other SC/ST Ministers be the first in the line!! But would they? Reservations and roster accelerated promotions have reached an utter absurdity with incompetenet and corrupt SC/ST occupying important positions, a Cl.IV 10 years back getting promoted to Cl.I wheras the ClII officer under whom he was a peon continues as ClII, now reporting to his former peon. The ubiquitous Meena-s in IAS and all Cl.I posts are really noit ST as classified under British Rule. Blaram Jhakar while contesting for Lok Sabha, promised the Meena-s that they would be included in ST if he got elected and got them "in". All over India, you find Meena ClI officers and many of them totally corrupt, and in the village in Rajasthan, almost every house has one or more Cl.I officers in position and a recent UPSC result showed the second generation Meena, the fifth Cl I officer in the family!! Nehru wanted Reservation only for 10 years. Ambedkar too limited the reservation to 10 years as he did not want SC to be on crutches all the while. But the Congress had other ideas and the entire backbone of bureaucracy is damaged by such incompetent and corrupt officers all over India.
Anonymous said...
- If the Govt. warns to uplift the SC,ST or OBC they may give them facilities like low interest rate for houses, and give them heft salary ( this is also not justiciable but for comparison) but putting them ahead in promotions not only causes heartburn but stunts the performance of the victim. This happened in my case also as in my later years I had to report to the peon who served under me for many years. Incredible India?