Download 01_himagiri_tanayE_hEmalate_shuddha_dhanyAsi_Adhi_HMB.mp3
Download 02_AnandAmruthakarishiNi_amruthavarshiNi_MSD.mp3
Download 03_daSharatha_rAma_gOvindA_yadukulakAmbOji_bhadrAcala_rAmdas.mp3
Download 04_piravAvarum_tArum_latAngi_pApnAsam_shivan.mp3
Download 05_madhura_madhuram_aTANa_OVK.mp3
Download 06_kANbadeppOdu_bilahari_ambujam_krishNa.mp3
Download 07_rAga_tAna_shubhapantuvarALi.mp3
Download 08_shrI_sathyanArAyaNam_shubhapantuvarALi_rUpaka_MSD.mp3
Download 09_kAkai_chiraginile_brindAvana_sAranga_subramaNya_bhArathi.mp3
Download 11_rAgi_tandIrA_punnAgavarALi_purandara_dhAsa.mp3
Download 12_muraLIdharA_mOhana_dEsh_Adhi_thiruvArur_rAmamurthy.mp3
Download 13_abhAng_jNAniAnsarAja_sunAdavinOdini_Eka_tukArAm.mp3
...that creativity is not something you wait for. It is
something that waits for you.
You must decide to be creative, not wait to be.You
must challenge yourself. Pick up the brush. Grab hold
of the camera. Turn on the computer. Start cooking
the meal. Get to the workplace early. Propose the
solution. Advance the idea. Become the answer.
How do you suppose these very words were written
by me? Do you think I have time to wait for "an
inspiration"? I must be the inspiration. And so must you.
r b subramanian said...

hvaidya said...

Dear Sri Hariharan
In Aruna's Concert upload Item No.1 and No.11 seem to be not downloadable. Item 10 missing. Can you please check it up?
In Aruna's Concert upload Item No.1 and No.11 seem to be not downloadable. Item 10 missing. Can you please check it up?

Dear Rbs
They both are working. I have downladed from the blog and heard hem. The missing No 10, I am afraid may be a mistake in numbering.
They both are working. I have downladed from the blog and heard hem. The missing No 10, I am afraid may be a mistake in numbering.