Anonymous said...
- The song number 6 is missing so rest of the songs also have wrong numbering. Thanks Raman
hvaidya said...
- Thanks Mr. Raman for pointing out the omission. I have included the wonderful Bhairavi now. Thanks once again. Please continue to point out the omissions and errors if any without any hesitation.
Anonymous said...
- Thank you for uploading a wonderful concert of GNB (concert no 90). COMMENT 1: The item 09 RTP in Shanmukhapriya (playing time 59:57)is empty for nearly 50 miniutes. (Kindly look into this as the performance and the recording quality is very good) COMMENT 2: The following songs are not opening and are directed to the mediafire page with the comment that they are not to be found. 06. Balagopala (Bhairavi) 10. MaaRamanan (Hindolam) 14. Radha mukha kamalam (Kapi) K.NAGARAJAN
hvaidya said...
- Dear Mr. Nagarajan, Thanks for pointing out this. I am negotiating with Mediafire, for missing of more than 150 files suddenly.They were asking me the URL of missing files. I was not able to locate the missing URL out of 7800 files. Now you have helped me to find few of the missing files so that I can take up the matter with them. However, I have uploaded fresh the missing files. ( Baala gopaala, Maa ramanan and Raadha mukha) RTP Shanmugapriya is very much working and once again I downloaded on another computer and heard the full song without interruption.About 175 have downloaded and I have not received any other complaint. check once once again and let me know to help you further
jhggbkh said...
- I was unable to download No. 6 Bhairavi in GNB Concert No. 90. Could you pl. email it to me. Thanks. SV

It is very much opening. please try again and let me know