from the face book of Balu Hariharan
The intention of this blog is only to share the collections. Inadvertently if any file is under copyright, please intimate me so that it can be removed forthwith.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Concert - M.S. Subbulakshmi

Download 01-Angarakam-Surutti.mp3
Download 02-Rama Nannu-Harikambhoji.mp3
Download 03-Sarasaksha-Kamavardhini.mp3
Download 04-Sharanam Sharanam-Sowrashtram.mp3
Download 05-Ksheenamai-Mukhari.mp3
Download 06-Gopanandana-Bhushavali.mp3
Download 07-Rave Himagiri (Swarajathi)-Thodi.mp3
Download 08-Gajavadana-Sriranjani.mp3
Download 09-Sarojadhalanetri-Shankarabharanam.mp3
Download 10-Hariharaputram-Vasantha.mp3
Download 11-Ragam Thanam Pallavi-Bhairavi.mp3
Download 12-Kannanidam-Ragamalika.mp3
Download 13-Payyadha (Padam)-Nadanamakriya.mp3
Download 14-Mudi Ondru-Ragamalika.mp3
Download 15-Nadabindu (Thiruppugazh)-Chenchurutti.mp3
Download 16-Pavamana (Mangalam)-Sowrashtram.mp3
...that someone is looking up to you now, preparing to
follow your example. Let this guide your next choice.
We often think that we are operating in a vaccuum,
thatno one is watching us, that our actions are mostly
private. Yet what if you knew that your every thought,
word, and deed today was going to be imitated by
one who admires you?
Can you feel good about what you are demonstrating?
Wonderful. If your answer is yes, wonderful!
My diary 13th November 2013
There were anxious mails and inquiries about my health, since I did not post anything afresh for the last two months. I am sorry and I thank all the readers for their good wishes. It is this fellow below occupies my mind 24 x 7 and I am not in a position to concentrate on anything. Please pardon me. I will try to post hereafter even though not regularly, but often and also fulfill the various demands made by the readers, After mediafire let me down I have refreshed 6338 files that is nearly 50% of original postings. I promise, I will try to make this blog active

Varadarajan.R said...
Varadarajan.R said...


I can see now why you dont blog off lately. Welcome back.
November 13, 2013 at 6:52 PM

Welcome back. Now I see why you are not blogging of lately. Replacing Kuzhal and Yazhl is great.
November 13, 2013 at 6:54 PM

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Concert - M.S. Subbulakshmi

M.S.S' marriage
Download 01-Sogasuga Mridanga-Sriranjani.mp3
Download 02-Naradamuni Vedalina-Kamavardhini.mp3
Download 03-Seethamma Mayamma-Vasantha.mp3
Download 04-Enati Nomu Phalamo-Bhairavi.mp3
Download 05-Manasuloni Marmamunu-Hindolam.mp3
Download 06-Evvarimata-Kambhoji.mp3
Download 07-Ennaga Manasu-Neelambari.mp3
Download 08-Ragam Thanam Pallavi-Shanmukhapriya.mp3
Download 09-Sirai Arum (Thiruvempavai)-Suddha Saveri.mp3
Download 10-Govindamiha (Taranagam)-Bageshri.mp3
Download 11-Vadasi Yadi (Ashtapadhi)-Mukhari.mp3
Download 12-Heccharika Ga Rara-Yadhukula Kambhoji.mp3
Download 13-Petra Thai (Viruttham)-Nadhanamakriya.mp3
Download 14-Arar Asai Padar-Nadhanamakriya.mp3
Download 15-Vadavaraiyai-Ragamalika.mp3
...that money is not the issue. Having the courage to
give your highest gift is the issue.
There is no security in doing something for a living
when you are dying inside while doing it. That is taking
care of the body at the expense of the soul. And a
withering soul cannot help but produce a withering body.
So do not think you are "taking care of yourself" by
killing your spirit to keep your body alive.
How long will you put off what you are dying to do?
Concert - Madurai Mani Iyer

Download 01 - AIR - Vachaspathi.mp3
Download 02 - Sahasrakara.mp3
Download 03 - Charukesi.mp3
Download 04 - ADAMODI.mp3
Download 05 - RTP - Begada - Sundaresa Iyer Violin .mp3
Download 06 - RTP - Contd.TKM - Mirudangam .mp3
Download 07 - Virutham.mp3
Download 08 - Thirupugazh.mp3
...that it is okay to want to make lots of plans, but it is
also okay to make lots of room for that which planning
can never produce.
It's sometimes nice to get everything decided, settled,
and arranged. But you may want to leave room in your
life for spontaneity. Some of the best choices are made
"on the fly." Some of the best outcomes are created
by not needing anything specific to happen.
Who and how and why and when and where to love
often falls into this cagtegory.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Concert - Aiswarya Vidya Raghunath
Download 01_varNa_sri_rAga_khaNDa_tripuTa.mp3
Download 02-rAmA_nI_pai_thanku-kEdhAra-Adhi-thyAgarAja.mp3
Download 03_rAmapriya_AlApane.mp3
Download 04-kOrina_varam_osagu-rAmapriyA-patnam_subhramanya_iyer.mp3
Download 05-vinarAda_nA_manavi_vinarda-dEvagAndhAri-tyAgarAja.mp3
Download 06_dhanyAsi_AlApane.mp3
Download 07_paradEvatA_brihatkuchAmba_dhanyAsi.mp3
Download 08_tani.mp3
Download 09_paiyAda_paimIra_nAdanamakriyA.mp3
Download 10-mArubAri_jAvaLi-kAmAch-Adhi-Dharmapuri_subbarAya_iyer.mp3
Download 11-mariyAdha_theliyakanE-jAvaLi-surati-rUpaka-patNam_subrahmaNya_iyer.mp3
...that winning an argument is never the goal of a true
spiritual master. Winning someone's heart is.
The setting side of one's integrity is not required to win
someone's heart, but the setting aside of one's anger
may be. It is possible to make a point without making
an enemy. It is possible to be right without being
righteous. Debating does not have to be debasing.
If there is someone with whom you are disagreeing this
day, would it not be wonderful of you to disagree
without being disagreeable?
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
My diary - 4th September 2013

Today I have refreshed the songs by M.M. Dhandapani Desikar under the label " M. M. Dhandapani Desikar"
Few songs are to be located from my back up library, which will be done. If any member who has downloaded from the original mediafire, these missing songs, may please send the links to me to enable me to include them also.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Concert - M. S. Subbalakshmi

Download 01-Dhyanam-Omnamapranavarthaya.mp3
Download 02-Vathapi-Hamsadwani.mp3
Download 03-Gnanamosagarada-Purvikalyani.mp3
Download 04-Needayaledani-Dhanyasi.mp3
Download 05-Induenaga-Mukhari.mp3
Download 06-Induenaga-Mukhari.mp3
Download 07-Ikanaina-Pushpalatika.mp3
Download 08-Gopalakapahimam-Revagupti.mp3
Download 09-Kaavaavaa-Varaali.mp3
Download 10-Koniyaadina Naapai-Kambhoji.mp3
Download 11-Koniyaadinanaapai-Kambhoji.mp3
Download 12-Maayamma-Ahiri.mp3
Download 14-Rtp-Dharmavati.mp3
Download 15-Kitanedosh-Desh.mp3
Download 16-Kallaarkum-Chenchurutti.mp3
Download 17-Jagadoddharana-Kapi.mp3
...that love is the center and the core of everything,
and that Self is the place where all love must begin.
Those who love others grandly are those who love
themselves grandly. Those who have a high toleration
and acceptance of others are those who have a high
toleration and acceptance of themselves.
You cannot show another a part of you that you
cannot show yourself. Therefore, begin where all
growth, where all evolution, where all love must begin:
with the person in the mirror.
Will you not love yourself grandly today? For the
world's sake?
r b subramanian said...

hvaidya said...

Dear Sri Hariharan,
In your upload Concert No.382 MS
some problem in item no.7 I get
the msg server maintenance. Can
you pl check it up
In your upload Concert No.382 MS
some problem in item no.7 I get
the msg server maintenance. Can
you pl check it up
August 29, 2013 at 7:22 AM

the filefactory is under reconstruction. So there are some minor problems. They promised to set right in a week
August 31, 2013 at 11:15 AM

Concert - M. S. Subbalashmi

Download 01-Eranapai-Todi.mp3
Download 02-Kanchadalaya-Kamalamanohari.mp3
Download 03-Ramanannu-Harikambodi.mp3
Download 04-Meenakshy-Poorvikalyani.mp3
Download 05-Saraguna-Kedaragowla.mp3
Download 06-Darini-Sudda Saveri.mp3
Download 07-Sri Chandrasekhara-Sankarabaranam.mp3
Download 08-Vachamagocharame-Kaikavasi.mp3
Download 09-Todi-Ragam Tanam.mp3
Download 10-Thukkadas.mp3
...that mastery is not measured by the number of terrible
things you eliminate from your life, but by the number of
times you eliminate calling them terrible.
The Buddha brought suffering onto himself, to look into
theface of it, to see if he was that,and, if not, to see
who he then was. Jesus allowed himself to be cruxcified,
to demonstrate who he was. And what do you think you
are doing here?
Why bother with this relative world if not to know yourself
in your own experience? And how else to do that except
through the encountering of that which you are not?
Sunday, August 25, 2013
My diary - 25th August 2013

Refreshed Concert Nos . 200, 208, 227, 263, 269, 270, 275, 282, 313,
316, 322 under the label "Concerts"
Friday, August 9, 2013
Concert - M. S. Subbulakshmi

Download 01-Varna-Todi.mp3
Download 02-Vathapi-Hamsadhwani.mp3
Download 03-Rama Nannu Brovara-Harikhamboji.mp3
Download 04-Hari Narayana-Kedaram.mp3
Download 05-Vachama Gocharame-Kaikavasi.mp3
Download 06-Sree Kanthimathim-Hemavathi.mp3
Download 07-Sree Kanthimathim-Hemavathi.mp3
Download 08-Ksheera Sagara-Mayamalavagowla.mp3
Download 09-Rama Rama Guna Seema-Simhendra Madhyama.mp3
Download 10-Rama Rama Guna Seema-Simhendra Madhyama.mp3
Download 11-Manavyala-Nalinakanthi.mp3
Download 12-Shankaracharyam-Shankarabharana.mp3
Download 13-Sabhapathikku-Abhogi.mp3
Download 14-Rtp-Todi Part 1.mp3
Download 15-Rtp-Todi Part 2.mp3
...that fun is not defined as the absence of challenging
circumstances, but as the absence of anger about them.
Of course, it is natural to become "fed up" with some
of the worst conditions of physical life. Yet the fun of
life is in embracing a perspective that allows you to
look into the face of those conditions and demonstrate
who you are in spite of them.
Where is the fun in that? you might say. The fun is in
the victory, my friend. The fun is in the victory.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Concert - Maharajapuram Santhanam

Download 01 Varnam - Kaanada - Nera nammdidhi.m4a
Download 02 Raamuni maravakave.m4a
Download 03 Sri mahaganapathe.m4a
Download 04 Raa raa raghuveera.m4a
Download 05 Manasu swaadheena - 1.m4a
Download 06 Manasu swaadheena - 2.m4a
Download 07 Thillaana - Basantbahar.m4a
...that good health is not the absence of symptoms, it
is the presence of peace.
Do not confuse physical vibrance with spiritual vitality.
You are not your body. Your body is simply a tool.
A magnificent tool, for sure, but nothing more than that.
As with all tools, your body will from time to time need
repair. And one day it will wear down completely.
Your soul will do neither. Not now, not ever. Listen,
therefore, to the whispers of the soul, not the cries of
the body.
Concert - Aruna Sairam

Download 01_himagiri_tanayE_hEmalate_shuddha_dhanyAsi_Adhi_HMB.mp3
Download 02_AnandAmruthakarishiNi_amruthavarshiNi_MSD.mp3
Download 03_daSharatha_rAma_gOvindA_yadukulakAmbOji_bhadrAcala_rAmdas.mp3
Download 04_piravAvarum_tArum_latAngi_pApnAsam_shivan.mp3
Download 05_madhura_madhuram_aTANa_OVK.mp3
Download 06_kANbadeppOdu_bilahari_ambujam_krishNa.mp3
Download 07_rAga_tAna_shubhapantuvarALi.mp3
Download 08_shrI_sathyanArAyaNam_shubhapantuvarALi_rUpaka_MSD.mp3
Download 09_kAkai_chiraginile_brindAvana_sAranga_subramaNya_bhArathi.mp3
Download 11_rAgi_tandIrA_punnAgavarALi_purandara_dhAsa.mp3
Download 12_muraLIdharA_mOhana_dEsh_Adhi_thiruvArur_rAmamurthy.mp3
Download 13_abhAng_jNAniAnsarAja_sunAdavinOdini_Eka_tukArAm.mp3
...that creativity is not something you wait for. It is
something that waits for you.
You must decide to be creative, not wait to be.You
must challenge yourself. Pick up the brush. Grab hold
of the camera. Turn on the computer. Start cooking
the meal. Get to the workplace early. Propose the
solution. Advance the idea. Become the answer.
How do you suppose these very words were written
by me? Do you think I have time to wait for "an
inspiration"? I must be the inspiration. And so must you.
r b subramanian said...

hvaidya said...

Dear Sri Hariharan
In Aruna's Concert upload Item No.1 and No.11 seem to be not downloadable. Item 10 missing. Can you please check it up?
In Aruna's Concert upload Item No.1 and No.11 seem to be not downloadable. Item 10 missing. Can you please check it up?
August 10, 2013 at 4:14 PM

Dear Rbs
They both are working. I have downladed from the blog and heard hem. The missing No 10, I am afraid may be a mistake in numbering.
They both are working. I have downladed from the blog and heard hem. The missing No 10, I am afraid may be a mistake in numbering.
August 12, 2013 at 11:37 AM

Concert - Alathur Bros

Download 01Chalamela .mp3
Download 02Etula brotuvo.mp3
Download 03Sarasiruhasana.mp3
Download 04...Pooja phalamu.mp3
Download 05 A Todi Ragam.mp3
Download 05B Dasukovalena.mp3
Download 06A Evari mata.mp3
Download 06B Evari mata.mp3
Download 07 Padavee Nee.mp3
Download 08A Saveri RTP.mp3
Download 08B Saveri RTP.mp3
Download 09 Thiruppugazh.mp3
Download 10.mp3
Download 11 Chandrashekhara.mp3
Download 12 Thillana.mp3
Download 13 Mangalam.mp3
...that if you think you have nothing to lose, you win. If
you think you have something to win, you lose.
It all drives to motivation. Why are you doing what you
are doing right now? To avoid loss? To achieve gain?
Wrong reason both times. Life is not about win-and-lose.
Life is about being or not being, expressing or not
expressing, who you are.
Don't do things for personal benefit. And don't do things
to avoid personal damage. Do things to feel personal
authenticity. Then your life will make sense, no matter
what is going on around you.
BHASKARAN19 said...

hvaidya said...

Kindly check
Download 02Etula brotuvo.mp3
Download 02Etula brotuvo.mp3
August 10, 2013 at 8:57 PM

What is the problem? It is working.
August 12, 2013 at 11:41 AM
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Charges and taxes in restaurants!

It is Friday evening. You are in a restaurant. You had nice full course dinner with soup, main course, followed by dessert. You checked the prices before and ordered. However, when the bill came, you were little shocked. The numbers did not match till you came across few items called service tax and service charge which inflated the bill by about 15% to 20%. Since this is Friday evening and you have been waiting for this for the whole week, you don’t question it and pay. We have all faced this situation in fine dining and not so fine dining restaurant. Almost all of us agree that the extra cost is high but none of us know the charges and taxes included in bill.
A simple thing made complicated
We have an uncanny ability to screw simple things and make it complex. Taxes and charges on seemingly simple stuffs like food and drinks are one such thing where customers are taken for granted. Let’s understand few terms that we see on our food bill often but do not understand.
Service charge
This is charged by the restaurant for the services rendered to you. This money goes to the restaurant. The establishments are free to charge any amount as service charges as there are no guidelines provided by the tax authority. The charge varies from 5% to 10%. Few restaurants don’t charge it. This is equivalent to the tips people usually give to waiters. If you are charged service charge in the bill, don’t pay tips as this charge is supposed to be shared among the staff.
Most of us don’t bother about it even when we feel the charges are higher. One reason is that we don’t think anything can be done about it. Secondly, we don’t want to spoil our evening because of this and argue with restaurant manager. However, the ground rule is that if the menu mentions service charges, you have to pay. If it doesn’t, you can question it.
Service tax
Many people confuse service tax with service charges. Service tax is the tax levied by the Government on the services rendered by restaurants. Service tax is same in all states. It is 12.36% on the 40% of the bill. The bill includes your food and drink and the service charge. The restaurant must be air-conditioned for the service tax. The problem here is that most of the customers are taxed at the full bill and not on the 40% of the bill as directed.
To make things simple, service tax should be 40% * 12.36% = 4.94% on the total bill. Hence whenever you see service tax on the total bill exceeding about 5%, you can question it.
VAT (Value Added Tax)
There is another tax called VAT (value added tax) that is state specific. The rates can be as low as 5% and as high as 20% depending upon the states. Moreover, VAT for food items and drink are different. Many restaurants might club food items and drink and charge a flat rate on the total bill. In such cases, it is good to ask for separate bills for food and drinks. This should clearly show the different VAT for both the items. (To understand VAT better, click here)
Let’s see how service charge, tax and VAT work with an example. Suppose you have dined in an AC restaurant and the price of food items is summed to Rs 900. You will be asked to pay service charges (goes to the restaurant) and VAT and service tax (goes to Government)
Items | Amount |
Bill of food item | 900 |
Service charge (assuming 6%) | 54 |
Sun Total | 954 |
Service tax to be levied on (40% of sub-total) | 381.6 |
Service tax (at the rate of 12.36%) | 47.16576 |
VAT @ 12.5% of the sub-total | 119.25 |
Total amount to be paid | 1120.416 |
Many times, restaurants charge the highest rate on the total bill. This is general complaint by almost all the customers.
Most of the times, we cannot do anything about overcharging. The reasons are not only our unwillingness but also the ignorance of restaurant managers. In many cases though, you can question these items and get your bill corrected. Please remember that this will not be easy. However, you can always question and explain this to the restaurant manager and get your bill corrected. There have been cases where customers were able to reduce their bill.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013

For all those who love cricket, this will be an interesting documentary. PLEASE DO NOT MISS IT. Please click the link below
Ashes 2013: Watch video of 1948 Ashes series
It's a world away from Hot Spot, DRS and Snicko (and probably none the worse for that) but this video shows a glimpse of how televised cricket might have looked in 1948.
This recently unearthed British Council documentary provides a snapshot of English cricket over 60 years ago. Narrated by Sir Ralph Richardson and the great BBC commentator John Arlott, it shows beautiful footage of Test cricket and the theatre surrounding it, as well as the more humble cricket on the village green.
There is some splendid slow-motion footage of the Lord's Test of 1948, featuring such legends of the game as Sir Don Bradman, Sir Len Hutton, Denis Compton and Keith Miller.
The Pathe documentary footage is also very strong on the crowd, the sense of occasion of a Lord's Test that remains every bit as much of a national event today as it did in Sir Don's last Ashes tour of England.
Thanks to Mr. Balayogi
Friday, August 2, 2013
My diary - 2nd August 2013

Refreshed the following Concert Nos. 214, 229, 242, 244, 246, 273, 294, 296, 297, 303, under the label "Concerts"
Do you know who she is…??

You may know Kareena, Katrina, Madhuri and Sridevi, but I can confidently say that 95% of Indians would not know this brave lady.
Neerja Bhanot was the senior flight purser on the ill-fated Pan Am Flight 73, hijacked by four heavily armed terrorists after it landed at Karachi at 5 am from Mumbai. PA 73 was en route to Frankfurt and onward to New York City. Neerja alerted the cockpit crew about the hijack and, as the plane was on the tarmac, the three-member cockpit crew of pilot, co-pilot and the flight engineer were able to flee from the aircraft. Neerja, being the most senior cabin crew member on board, took charge.
The hijackers were part of the Palestinian Abu Nidal terrorist organization and were backed by Libya. They immediately shot dead a passenger who identified himself to the terrorists as being an American. The terrorists then instructed Neerja to get the passports collected of all the passengers, so that they could identify the Americans. Neerja, and the other attendants under her charge, hid the passports of the 40 Americans on board.
After 17 hours, the hijackers opened fire and set off explosives. Neerja opened the emergency door and helped a number of passengers escape. She did not herself escape, and became a martyr while shielding 3 children from a hail of bullets. Neerja was recognised internationally as “the heroine of the hijack” and is the youngest recipient of the Ashoka Chakra, India’s highest civilian award for bravery.
A square called Neerja Bhanot Chowk is named after her in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar (East) suburb by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation, which was inaugurated by Amitabh Bachchan in the early 90′s.
Flight Safety Foundation Heroism Award, U.S.A.
Ashoka Chakra Award, India
Tamgha-e-Insaaniyat (Awarded for showing incredibly human kindness), Pakistan
Justice for Crimes Award, United States Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia
Special Courage award, US Govt.
Indian Civil Aviation Ministry’s Award
A salute to the brave lady – a True Star…..
Anonymous said...
No words to express! Great persons like her create confidence in us that there is no dearth of good and noble-minded people even in this Kaliyug. We can only pray for her.
Devarajan MK
August 2, 2013 at 9:39 PM
You may know Kareena, Katrina, Madhuri and Sridevi, but I can confidently say that 95% of Indians would not know this brave lady.
Neerja Bhanot was the senior flight purser on the ill-fated Pan Am Flight 73, hijacked by four heavily armed terrorists after it landed at Karachi at 5 am from Mumbai. PA 73 was en route to Frankfurt and onward to New York City. Neerja alerted the cockpit crew about the hijack and, as the plane was on the tarmac, the three-member cockpit crew of pilot, co-pilot and the flight engineer were able to flee from the aircraft. Neerja, being the most senior cabin crew member on board, took charge.
The hijackers were part of the Palestinian Abu Nidal terrorist organization and were backed by Libya. They immediately shot dead a passenger who identified himself to the terrorists as being an American. The terrorists then instructed Neerja to get the passports collected of all the passengers, so that they could identify the Americans. Neerja, and the other attendants under her charge, hid the passports of the 40 Americans on board.
After 17 hours, the hijackers opened fire and set off explosives. Neerja opened the emergency door and helped a number of passengers escape. She did not herself escape, and became a martyr while shielding 3 children from a hail of bullets. Neerja was recognised internationally as “the heroine of the hijack” and is the youngest recipient of the Ashoka Chakra, India’s highest civilian award for bravery.
A square called Neerja Bhanot Chowk is named after her in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar (East) suburb by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation, which was inaugurated by Amitabh Bachchan in the early 90′s.
Flight Safety Foundation Heroism Award, U.S.A.
Ashoka Chakra Award, India
Tamgha-e-Insaaniyat (Awarded for showing incredibly human kindness), Pakistan
Justice for Crimes Award, United States Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia
Special Courage award, US Govt.
Indian Civil Aviation Ministry’s Award
A salute to the brave lady – a True Star…..
Anonymous said...
Neerja Bhanot was the senior flight purser on the ill-fated Pan Am Flight 73, hijacked by four heavily armed terrorists after it landed at Karachi at 5 am from Mumbai. PA 73 was en route to Frankfurt and onward to New York City. Neerja alerted the cockpit crew about the hijack and, as the plane was on the tarmac, the three-member cockpit crew of pilot, co-pilot and the flight engineer were able to flee from the aircraft. Neerja, being the most senior cabin crew member on board, took charge.
The hijackers were part of the Palestinian Abu Nidal terrorist organization and were backed by Libya. They immediately shot dead a passenger who identified himself to the terrorists as being an American. The terrorists then instructed Neerja to get the passports collected of all the passengers, so that they could identify the Americans. Neerja, and the other attendants under her charge, hid the passports of the 40 Americans on board.
After 17 hours, the hijackers opened fire and set off explosives. Neerja opened the emergency door and helped a number of passengers escape. She did not herself escape, and became a martyr while shielding 3 children from a hail of bullets. Neerja was recognised internationally as “the heroine of the hijack” and is the youngest recipient of the Ashoka Chakra, India’s highest civilian award for bravery.
A square called Neerja Bhanot Chowk is named after her in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar (East) suburb by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation, which was inaugurated by Amitabh Bachchan in the early 90′s.
Flight Safety Foundation Heroism Award, U.S.A.
Ashoka Chakra Award, India
Tamgha-e-Insaaniyat (Awarded for showing incredibly human kindness), Pakistan
Justice for Crimes Award, United States Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia
Special Courage award, US Govt.
Indian Civil Aviation Ministry’s Award
A salute to the brave lady – a True Star…..

No words to express! Great persons like her create confidence in us that there is no dearth of good and noble-minded people even in this Kaliyug. We can only pray for her.
Devarajan MK
Devarajan MK
August 2, 2013 at 9:39 PM
Thursday, August 1, 2013
A Cute Letter from a newly married girl to her mother

Dear mom,
Like every normal girl, I was excited about marriage right from my childhood days. I never thought beyond the time that I would spend happily with my prince charming. But today when I am married, I realize that marriage is not all roses. It’s not just about being with your beloved and having a gala time. There is so much more to it. It comes with its own share of responsibilities, duties, sacrifices and compromises. I can’t wake up anytime I want to. I am expected to be up and ready before everyone else in the family. I can’t laze around in my pyjamas throughout the day. I am expected to be presentable every time. I can’t just go out anytime I want to. I am expected to be sensitive to the needs of the family. I just can’t hit the bed anytime I want to. I am expected to be active and around the family. I can’t expect to be treated like a princess but am supposed to take care of everyone else in the family. And then I think to myself, ‘why did I get married at all?’ I was happier with you, mom. Sometimes I think of coming back to you and getting pampered again. I want to come home to my favorite food cooked by you every evening after a nice outing with friends. I want to sleep on your laps like I have no worry in this world. But then I suddenly realize, had you not got married and made such sacrifices in your life, I wouldn’t have had so many wonderful memories to hang on to. And suddenly, the purpose of all this becomes clear- to return the same comfort, peace and happiness to my new family that I got from you. And I am sure that as time would pass, I would start loving this life equally as you do. Thank you mom for all the sacrifices and compromises you made. They give me the strength to do the same. Love you.
from the face book of "I love my India"
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
My diary 30 th July 2013

Refreshed today the following concert Nos 228, 243, 260, 267, 274, 276, 280, 295 under the label "Concerts"
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