- http://www.mediafire.com/?myejkmlw0zt Varnam - Bhairavi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?nyodyzednmm Giriraaja sudha - Bangla
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ymmygwznmdj Seshachalanaayagam - Varaali
- http://www.mediafire.com/?3jemjzoewjk Mani noopuradhari - Neelaambari
- http://www.mediafire.com/?knymezqznm2 Panipathisayi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?wj52gjywjny Dhinamani vamsa - Harikaambodhi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?yzm0tinrj0g Guruvaayoorappane - Reethigowla
- http://www.mediafire.com/?eknmhywmny2 Aalaapanai - Kalyaani
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4w5d20h2wnt Eathaavunaaraa - Kalyaani
- http://www.mediafire.com/?rwvnz5n2z4q Raadha samedha - Misra yaman
- http://www.mediafire.com/?mznz1o2jfgw sha pashyat kousalyaa - Jonpuri
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jzihzjzyun5 Thillaanaa
- http://www.mediafire.com/?fndqm2kyvom Mangalam
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dear sir, i have enjoyed many of your postings. can u pls post concerts of nithyasree mahadevan and priya sisters as i happen to be a big fan of theirs???? thanks in advance and hats off to you for posting these many concerts for the benefit of the rasikas.
Thanks for posting the complete concert and sharing your collection.
Dear mama,
Can you please upload some instrumental concerts of Veenai Smt.Jayanthi Kumaresh and Violin concerts of Sri MSG? Can you please upload some concerts if you have recordings?
I will fulfill all your demands in course of time. Please wait patiently and be on the look out. Meanwhile, enjoy the postings already done. Veena of E. Gayathri, Chittibabu and Emani Sankarasastry are already available. Lalgudi ( 241 krithis), L. subramanian, and Balamurali's Viola are also already available.
Your comments are inspiration to me to work more number of hours on my Laptop
Hi Mama,
Thanks for the upload of Sikkil's Concert. Just a small correction. Song number 11. is not Tapasya Kousalyaa but SHA PASHYAT KOUSALYAA VISHNUM. It is by Panchapakesha Iyer. was sung many times by Semmangudi. it is in Raga Jonpuri.
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks a lot Latha, I have corrected the same. Please keep posting your comments and guide me wherever I am confused or committed mistakes.
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