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I am happy that more and more people are reading my blog and their responses are also good. You can find this from comments on uploads. Apart from these comments many are sending mails personally to me giving lot of encouragement to my efforts.
This is what I learnt from my mother. "It is one thing to be kind, yet it is quite another thing also be unfailingly generous with your time, your possession, your talent, and energy and your willingness to be generous to share with others and yes if possible with money also."
I am planning to expand the activities of this blog by including contributions from my readers. Everybody is not able to read all the matters available in the media and internet. This blog can be a one stop for them to read various subjects, and so I invite matters from my readers, which are interesting on unusual subjects, which will help people to enlighten with knowledge.
Readers, who are interested may send these Articles, photos, to my e mail address "hvaidayanathan@rediffmail.com".
Please register yourself as a follower of this blog, so that you will get to know the updates immediately.
Let us grow together with knowledge, talent, and willingness to share, and I wish you all THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

arvindsdad.blogspot.com |
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honestly, i always open ur blog daily in the mornings. almost all the notings give encouragement to my daily routine.
with very best regards
Thank you for your kind words
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