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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Concert - G.N.Balasubramanyan

..that when you pray for anyone, you tend to modify
your personal attitude toward them.
If someone is vexing you

right now, say a prayer for that person. Send them all

of your best energies.

Nothing changes the environment like one person

deciding to love another, no matter what.

Blogger BHASKARAN19 said...

Congrats, yet another milestone of touching 250th concerts and it is apt that 250th concert happens to be the Great GNB

Warm regards
August 11, 2011 7:05 AM

Blogger r b subramanian said...

Dear Hariharan,

File No.4 - Reethigowlai is not downloadable. I am getting a msg informing that the file has been removed and not existing. Please look into it.
August 12, 2011 5:07 PM

Blogger hvaidya said...

Dear RBS,

I have uploaded fresh. Please confirm it is in order
August 13, 2011 9:39 AM

Blogger r b subramanian said...

Dear Hariharan,

Thank you for the immediate response. It is working now.


August 14, 2011 6:03 AM


BHASKARAN19 said...

Congrats, yet another milestone of touching 250th concerts and it is apt that 250th concert happens to be the Great GNB

Warm regards

r b subramanian said...

Dear Hariharan,

File No.4 - Reethigowlai is not downloadable. I am getting a msg informing that the file has been removed and not existing. Please look into it.



hvaidya said...

Dear RBS,

I have uploaded fresh. Pleaseconfirm it is in order

r b subramanian said...

Dear Hariharan,

Thank you for the immediate response. It is working now.



vytheeswaran said...

Concert No 199 of GNB uploaded seems to be the same of Concert No. 250. But the way the some of the songs are split (like RTP) are different. Could you please verify this?

Thanks for the wonderful concert.

A S Vytheeswaran