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Monday, August 31, 2009

When your mind, brain and soul meet

People of all age whether Youngster, Youth or Aged must read this interesting article appeared in The Hindu Sunday magazine dated 30th August 2009. Please don't be scared of the length of the article. Please read and think over it again and again. I am posting this because few would have read it from "The Hindu" and many might have not had access to this article.

Inspirational genius

Does the soul, as it has manifested in literature, religion and music, have a cerebral basis? DR. ENNAPADAM S. KRISHNAMOORTHY, eminent neurologist, on the possibilities of mapping creativity and genius, inspired by Michael Trimble’s path-breaking The Soul in the Brain. With contributions from Niranajana Bennet and Aparna Rajagopal

Why are we so moved by art, poetry and music that we are reduced to tears... of elation and ecstasy?

Graphics by K.G. Rangarajan

'When your mind, brain and soul meet!'

Men ought to know that from the brain, and from the brain only, arise our pleasures, joys, laughter and jests, as well as our sorrows, pains, grief and tears…


When we refer to our minds, we often touch our hearts, or our heads. Yet, the mind as a physical entity, one that can be localised in a scan for example, does not reside anywhere in the human body. Our feelings, thoughts and emotions do — they are represented in our brains. To try and unravel this conundrum, let us take a computer analogy. When we consider cognition and behaviour, our brain is the hardware, the equipment and processes that make computers work. On the other hand, the mind is an operating system that draws upon the hardware but does not have significant physical representation, much like the software in our computers. The mind, therefore, is a virtual entity, one that reflects the workings of the neural networks, chemical and hormonal systems in our brain.

Having accepted that the brain and the mind are a unitary organ with diverse functions, it becomes imperative that we consider the “soul”, traditionally an esoteric and controversial concept. A noun variously defined as “psyche, inspiration and energy”, the soul has many synonyms in the English language. Where the soul resides is, however, a matter of conjecture; a question that is both difficult to answer and difficult to objectively experiment on. However, if one were to consider “the soul” as the vital force that inspires, energises and stimulates us, then it may be possible to study its manifestations and effects in all human activity having those qualities.

The possibility that one could study the soul by associating inspirational human experience, religion, music, poetry and literature, with the brain, is tantalising to say the least. In his book The Soul in the Brain, Michael R. Trimble, Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Neurology at University College of London, expounds the neurological correlates of such inspirational human experiences that were once considered to be the exclusive purview of the heart. Trimble commences his book with the words, “If you fear that opening your mind will cause your brain to fall out, then this book is not for you. If you are unhappy discussing neuroscience in the context of poetry, music and, above all, religion, then again this text cannot be recommended.

Basis of emotions

Trimble begins by exploring the brain anatomy of human emotion, implicating the Limbic System as the seat of human emotion. Seated deep within the brain and consisting of a network of critical structures, the Limbic System is the oldest part of the mammalian brain. There is considerable data today from brain imaging studies to show that this part is closely associated with emotional disorders. For example, the Amygdala, a multinucleated structure intricately connected with many brain parts, has been shown to both vary in size and to have different levels of neurochemical activity in various emotional disorders. The Amygdala is today the focus of much of the brain research that is concerned with human emotion and emotional disorders. Expounding on the neurobiology of emotion beyond these structures, Trimble discusses their links with other critical brain areas. He quotes extensively from the work of 20th century experts who have contributed to our understanding of emotional brain function, exploring brain anatomy beyond limbic structures that has a role in human emotion.

“While the hypothalamus was essential for the expression of emotion, the experience of emotion required the cortex, ‘the stream of feeling’ depending on strong interconnections between the cortex and the hypothalamus.” (Papez, 1937.)

Poetry and literature are areas that Trimble explores at some length in this book. He describes how the use of the language of poetry and metaphor produces heightened activity of the right hemisphere of the brain. Pointing out that certain neuropsychiatric conditions have strong associations with specific creative pursuits, he draws attention to the links between literary creativity and Bipolar Affective Disorder (Manic Depressive Illness), an association strangely not witnessed with another major mental illness, Schizophrenia. He quotes extensively from the works of several poets with Bipolar Affective Disorder such as William Cowper (1731-1800), Robert Lowell (1917- 1977) and Anne Sexton (1928-74). For example, Anne Sexton, who frequently took drug overdoses and finally committed suicide, wrote:



with capsules in my palms each night,

eight at a time from sweet pharmaceutical bottles

I make arrangements for a pint-sized journey.

I’m the queen of this condition.

I’m an expert on making the trip

and now they say I’m an addict.

Now they ask why.


Don’t they know that I promised to die!


I try

to kill myself in small amounts,

an innocuous occupation.

One cannot help but draw a parallel with the famous Tamil poet of the Indian independence movement, Subramanya Bharathi, who was renowned for his extraordinary creativity, intermingled with profound emotionality supplemented by generous doses of nationalistic and religious fervour (see box). Indeed, the creative human brain has perhaps an excessive proclivity for emotionality; quite understandably, given that creativity is often inspired; and inspiration in all forms requires feeling!

Another meeting ground

Photo: Lingaraj Panda

The pull of the divine: Another meeting ground of the soul, mind and the brain.

Religion is another area that exemplifies this meeting of the “trinity”. Most dictionaries describe religion as “a way of life”; religious beliefs, practices and experiences have a strong cultural basis in their evolution. It seems inconceivable therefore that religious experience may have its basis in the brain. However, why are some people more intense in their practice of religion, while others are considerably less enthusiastic; or why do one’s religious attitudes, beliefs and practices change during one’s life span? Can this be explained by sociocultural factors alone, or are there more inherent biological determinants of these behaviours? For example, there are considerable differences in how siblings experience and practise religion even though their sociocultural ethos are similar, and we witness the entire spectrum from intense religiosity to strong agnostic tendency within a family.

Further, religiosity is an important component of many brain and mind disorders. The depressed, anxious or avoidant individual is almost desperate in his pleas for religious salvation, rather different from the intense ritualism of the person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The religious ecstasy of the person with mania is qualitatively different from the prophetic fervour of the person with paranoid schizophrenia or temporal lobe epilepsy. The hyper-religious individual with temporal lobe epilepsy has on occasion been described as a dramatic persona complete with religious symbols and a prophetic fervour, with an unshakeable belief that his existence had a special purpose for the world we live in. In his chapters on “Neurotheology”, Trimble also quotes patients with epilepsy, dementia and head injury who have religious experiences. The triad of hyper-graphia (the keeping of copious and detailed notes and diaries), hyper-religiosity ( an increased interest and practise of religious matters) and hypo-sexuality (a diminished interest in matters sexual) is well described in the syndrome of temporal lobe epilepsy; especially in long standing and poorly controlled patients with recurrent temporal lobe epileptic seizures. It is accompanied by an obsessional and viscous personality. Trimble points out that while the note taking and diary keeping is copious, it lacks, unlike the poetry of the person with bipolar disorder, creativity and appeal. This fundamental difference may reflect the different brain substrates that underlie these conditions.

“The content of the writing from hypergraphic patients with epilepsy often reflects religious or mystical themes.” (Roberts, Robertson, and Trimble, 1982.)

In his chapter on “Music and the brain” Trimble brings out the emotional nature of musical language.

‘Plato considers that music played in different modes arouses different emotions… Major chords are cheerful, minor ones sad; the ups and downs of life…”

While music and the brain is a topic that has been covered widely elsewhere, the uniqueness of Trimble’s contribution is in developing the links between the brain, mind and music. Pointing out that music and poetry have the unique ability to bring one to tears, often as part of a state of ecstasy, he goes on to explore the brain processes that may mediate emotional crying, which he points out as being a uniquely human experience. Why are we, the human race, so moved by art, poetry and music that we are reduced to tears, not those of sorrow, but of elation and ecstasy? In Indian lore, musical saints and savants are often described to reach states of ecstasy in the development or indeed deliverance of their favourite compositions, usually in praise of their favourite lord. The great composer Thyagaraja attained this state in the worship of Lord Rama; Purandaradas in the worship of Vitobha; Bharathi in the worship of his favourite Parasakthi; the list is indeed long. What brain and mind processes lead to these states of intense devotion and creative focus, combined with religious fervour?

The creative half

Trimble in his book quotes many studies that implicate right hemisphere activity in musical perception. It is widely understood that the right hemisphere is the “creative half” of the human brain. Interestingly, the right hemisphere also happens to be the emotional hemisphere. That right hemisphere dominant individuals are both creative and emotional may explain why those engaged in artistic pursuits express both qualities in ample measure. There is an impression among clinicians that Bipolar Affective Disorder (Manic Depressive Illness) is for example over represented in the creative professions; the biological basis for this may well rest in the right brain. Trimble himself has pointed out that the relationship between the brain and aesthetic experiences, rather than being the rule, may indeed be exceptional: “… not all patients with bipolar disorder become poets, of course nor are all poets manic-depressive” (p. 106). Further, it may be erroneous to conclude that these experiences belong to the brain alone. The mind, while an abstract construct in this the 21st century, remains an important part of clinical and scientific lore. The contributions of the mind to poetry, music, art and religion cannot therefore be ignored. Trimble’s work is commendable as a rare attempt to relate the highly technical specialty of neuroscience with something as abstract as art and in doing so fills an important void in scientific and popular literature.

“The neuroscientific community has generally shown little interest in exploring the finer aspects of human behaviour and thought, especially aesthetic experience and creativity.”

Tangible markers

Intellectual debate about where the soul resides is likely to continue for eons. Through this important work we understand emotional experience and creative pursuits are vicarious markers of the human soul. We may then develop a persuasive argument that a critical mass of brain structures and their connections are associated closely with these vicarious markers of the soul. While this does not prove that these critical brain structures are where the soul does indeed reside; not even that the vicarious markers are a true soul representation; it is an important scientific link between profoundly moving human experience and the brain. One could still argue that the soul does not necessarily reside in the human brain and that we do not have adequate “proof of this concept”. Which does of course leave us asking, “Pray, just where doth the soul reside”?

Everyday relevance

What is the relevance of “Trinity Talking” concept to our lives, you may well ask. All of us come across people in society who excel in their creativity. Obviously these individuals have inspirational periods when their mind, brain and soul are in sync! The more productive the individual and the more evocative her/his productions, the more frequently is their “Trinity Talking” may well be one explanation. Indeed, going beyond the creative pursuits to other professions and trades, every one of us will possibly have at least one moment in our life, profession or vocations when we experience this spark of “enlightenment”, however brief. In these periods there is sudden clarity that often follows a period of confusion and turmoil. In these periods we often make momentous decisions and take definitive actions that may have an impact on our whole life. In these periods we experience true “self actualisation”. One may contend that the more frequent and more sustained these experiences, and more willing the person to explore and follow up on them, the more successful and productive he is. Clearly these are precious moments when our thoughts, beliefs and emotions meet with our inspiration. When our brain, mind and soul meet!

Is your Trinity Talking?

* * *
Graphics by K.G. Rangarajan

The Soul in the Brain: The Cerebral Basis of Language, Art and Belief, Michael R. Trimble, 2007, The Johns Hopkins University Press.

studying the soul by associating inspirational human experience with the brain is tantalising

* * *

Dr. E.S. Krishnamoorthy is Director & TS Srinivasan Chair at The Institute of Neurological Sciences, VHS Hospital, Chennai. E-mail:

Niranjana Bennet was a Psychology Intern at The Institute of Neurological Sciences, VHS Hospital.

Aparna Rajagopal is an advocate in New Delhi, with an abiding interest in literature and music.

* * *

Was his trinity talking?

The Hindu Photo Library

Subramania Bharathi: Visionary creativity...

Bharathi was arguably one of South India’s most creative individuals of all time. Born into an orthodox Brahmin family, he lost his mother when he was a child and his reportedly rigid father when an adolescent. Brought up by an uncle in Benares at a time of growing nationalistic fervour, Bharathi soon became a "rebel with a cause". He dispensed with his tuft, grew a moustache and began to sport a turban, all anathema to his native traditions.

Paradoxically, his rejection of rituals and convention were matched only by his devotion to his preferred goddess "Parashakthi". A regular visitor to temples, he wrote "Kannan Pattu" viewing and describing the antics of Lord Krishna through the eyes of the "Gopis" (female consorts). He also threw himself into the freedom movement with complete passion and devotion. His "Kaani Nilam Vendum" is a prayer to his favourite goddess Parashakthi asking for a small piece of "free land" that he could call home, his evocative description of the desired land masking his desire to end "British Occupation". Bharathi thus curiously straddled many contradictory worlds. Conventional religiosity combined with the unconventional dispensation of rituals; burning patriotism in thought, feeling and expression, not always matched with action (for example it is observed that he never courted arrest, popular among nationalists at that time); a burning passion for social causes combined with agnosia for his own family and social obligations. His "Kuyil Pattu" for example is said to have been composed by him in the context of birds feeding on the precious grain he was supposed to watch over.

He is also reported to have shared a "conventional" relationship with his wife until this paradox was pointed out to him by Sister Niveditha during his visit to Kolkata. Bharathi’s response was typically "excessive"; walking beside his wife in public and putting his arm around her (unheard of at that time), actions that resulted in the family’s alienation from the traditional society they inhabited.

Bharathi reportedly suffered from bouts of depression brought on by psychosocial adversity; for example, his daughter’s ill health. Clearly, his emotionality and creativity were closely linked; as were his poetry and music and his devotion to Parashakthi, his motherland and love for his mother tongue, Tamil. These varied often interlinked passions probably resulted in intense bouts of inspirational creativity, resulting in some of the finest poetry and music that the sub-continent has witnessed. Indeed, Bharathi is also unique in his generation for having blended in a most effective way, south Indian classical and folk music with poetry. While his work was in all probability driven by religious fervour and passionate nationalism, his emotionality and propensity for lateral thought clearly did influence his life and work. Was his Trinity Talking? In all probability a resounding YES!


The italics in red or mine.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do you know ?

Do you know the August 2009 has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays and it appears it happens only once in 823 years.
August 2009



Sent by Sri Laxmi
Srinivas said...
Dear mama,

Actually, the months with five saturdays, sundays and mondays occur frequently. Any 31 day month with the first falling on saturday will be like that. Recently, December 2007 and March 2008 had this combination. {Source: rajumds of forum }
August 28, 2009 7:53 AM

hvaidya said...
Thanks for correction Mr. Srinivas. I first thought of removing that matter from the blog, but I plan to keep it for some time with your comment, so that people like me should learn to find out the authenticity of the information furnished before posting. And also people should know that there are intelligent people like you, who are always for "epporul yaar yaar vaai ketpinum apporul meiporul Kaanbadharivu"

Concert - Sikkil Gurucharan - 2

  1. Varnam - Bhairavi
  2. Giriraaja sudha - Bangla
  3. Seshachalanaayagam - Varaali
  4. Mani noopuradhari - Neelaambari
  5. Panipathisayi
  6. Dhinamani vamsa - Harikaambodhi
  7. Guruvaayoorappane - Reethigowla
  8. Aalaapanai - Kalyaani
  9. Eathaavunaaraa - Kalyaani
  10. Raadha samedha - Misra yaman
  11. sha pashyat kousalyaa - Jonpuri
  12. Thillaanaa
  13. Mangalam

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The big, fat male ego

This article appeared in The Hindu's Metro plus, today and since its availability is restricted, I am posting this article here for the benefit of many.

Much has been said about it. But how does one handle the male ego? Sudha Umashanker looks for the answers

A man’s sense of self is defined by his abilities and accomplishments. He is more interested in things than emotions or people


DON'T SWEEP IT UNDER THE CARPET The best way to deal with a bloated ego is to prick it

Difficult to decipher and frequently the cause for friction and misunderstanding —what’s with the male ego?

Says Shantha Manikantan, counselling psychologist: “We see men with exaggerated judgment of their capabilities and importance, everywhere — at home, work, or in a social situation. Most people assume the male ego is an issue of superiority. But, it can also stem from a complex that alternates between superiority and inferiority, resulting in the desire to impress others.”


According to Vijay Nagaswami, author, psychiatrist and relationship consultant: “The male ego has probably been over-hyped just a bit. In our patriarchal society, unwarranted attention given to the male child has made it an issue in relationships even in the 21st Century.”

Shekar Seshadri, professor, Unit of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bangalore, says: “Boys are conditioned to believe that power resides in them. Also, they are expected to protect family honour and control girls and women. Which is what gives them an ego boost.”

So is having an ego bad? Meena Jain, psychologist and psychotherapist, observes: “Healthy ego is very important to one’s self-esteem, as opposed to an inflated ego that can destroy relationships.”

Adds Shantha: “What matters is how one manages the ego. Over manifestation suggests that you consider yourself a cut above the rest. This becomes a tool to belittle others, and the outcome is not always pleasant.”

For all their strength (real and supposed!), why are male egos fragile? Says Dr. Nagaswami: “Any ego that derives itself from the perceived superiority of one gender over the other is bound to be incomplete and fragile. The mere fact of being born a male cannot be the primary parameter to derive one’s sense of self worth. Also, the object of the male ego is to establish dominance over the female ego. When masculinity alone is used to establish dominance and control, it’s bound to be fragile, since it’s incomplete.

Dr. Jain says: “Men are, by nature, emotionally dependent, look forward to boosting their self-esteem, and have limited coping skills. We must remember that a man’s sense of self is defined by his abilities and accomplishments. He is more interested in things than emotions or people. Men break very quickly when they fail — the feel-good factor of achievement is very important to them.”

Identifying a few sore spots that ruffle the male ego, Dr. Nagaswami says: “Any challenge to the dominant role that goes with their perception of masculinity will be sore spots. However, sensitive new-age men don’t seem to have this ego problem.”

Shantha says the touchy areas include “finance, women, and the questioning of their authority. Men are touchy about anything that involves decisions. They love to be the decision makers. And, when they make a decision, they need to hear they are right —even if they are wrong”.

Dr. Jain adds looks, sexuality, competency, career, money, gadgets, and health to the list.

So, how does one handle the male ego? Acknowledge or ignore it?

Dr. Nagaswami says: “The best way to deal with a bloated ego is to prick it, and get the individual to value himself based on substantial parameters.”

Says Shantha: “While massaging an ego can drain you emotionally, not acknowledging it can be detrimental in the long run. The best approach will be a middle path, addressing issues head-on.”

Dr. Jain suggests: “Help them develop good communication skills and a healthy ego, very important to building their life and relationships.”

courtesy : The Hindu

An exhilarating ride up the Himalayas to meet Lord Bhadrinath

This article is written by Ms.Sudha Jagannathan and sent to me. Very interesting to read with nice photos.

(Badrinath Mountains View)
It was wonderful and full of adventure one could ever imagine. We began our Badrinath yatra from Chennai. It was the month of May. It was pretty hot, both in Chennai and Delhi. Delhi is usually the starting point for Badrinath yatra. We commenced our trip in a bus arranged by Shri Devnathan of Delhi. Prior to this one, he had arranged as many as 240 trips to Badrinath. We have to climb the Himalayas at an altitude of 10,000 feet above the sea level to reach Badrinath. Moreover, the road on the hilly terrain is very narrow. Only one bus can travel at a time. On one side of the road is the rocky mountain. And on other is a depth with river Ganges flowing below. A mere look down below or in the opposite direction or the parallel route where the bus has traveled – sends scary thoughts across the mind. The way any vehicle travels in this route is really breath-taking. Above all, there is surely a divine grace and will. We realize how small everything around us is before this huge mountain. Some people have constructed houses on these hills and live here. They cultivate a few vegetation and crops for their survival. Nowadays, the traffic around here has increased considerably. It is often said that pilgrims or devotees in those days have encountered very many hazards on the way to Badrinath. Not surprisingly, there were very less travelers on this route in former times. Those who were on a pilgrimage to Badrinath those days would not be sure if they would ever return to their homes due to so many reasons. The scenario has changed now. There are many private travel agents now taking pilgrims to Badrinath and Kedarnath from Delhi, Rishikesh, Haridwar etc. We started on May 2, 2009 to Badrinath from Balaji Mandir in Delhi. Just prior to the commencement of the journey, special poojas such as Yatra Dhaan etc were performed at this temple. Finally, we began our journey at around mid-night in two small buses, as heavy and luxury buses can’t travel by these small roads.
Laxman Jhoola at Rishikesh
(Laxman Jhoola at Rishikesh)
Where Ganga Emerges: It was such a wonderful sight as we reached Rishikesh early next morning. The place is surrounded by hills, as the river Ganges flow through this place. There is a Laxman Jhoola. There is also a Ram Jhoola here. People use these hanging bridges to cross the river Ganga. On the other side are a few temples. The morning bath in the pretty chilly and pristine river Ganga gave us a new freshness. We were served a sumptuous meal by the host. In the evening, there was a pooja. Early next morning, we re-commenced our journey to Badrinath. Our first halt-point was Devaprayag. This is the place where the confluence of rivers Bhagirathi and Alakananda occurs. From Devaprayag onwards, the merged river becomes Ganga. Bhagirathi is deep, green and full of current. Alakananda, which flows from Badrinath, is whitish ash in colour. She is submissive compared to Bhagirathi. At Devaprayag, the current is very strong. Strong iron chains are used here to protect the people while taking bath. We were warned by our host not to go near the waters. A few volunteers and service people who took us close to the confluence point drew big pails of water from the river. And each one of us had to sit on the stone placed on the step leading up to the confluence point. The water was poured on our heads by these volunteers. It was very cold and so pure. At first, many among us shied away from taking bath in this cold water. Once the initial inertia was gone, bathing at this confluence point proved a thrilling experience.

(View of Badrinath Nara Narayana Parvaths)
Tirukandam: Here there is a Vishnu shrine, which is a part of 108 Divya Desams. This shrine is known as Tirukandam or Kadinagar. The deity here is known as Purushottaman. And, the Goddess is Pundarikavalli Thayar. This temple is located on a small hill with steep 100 steps on the banks of Devaprayag. This place is 70 kms from Rishikesh and 1,700 feet above the sea level. Our host Shri, Devanathan went on to explain all these details to us while traveling. Periyalwar has sung in praise of Lord Purushottaman, who was worshipped by Lord Rama himself in the Ramayana. There goes this story in Ramayan on how sage Vishwamithra had narrated the story of Ganga to Rama and Laxman. Ganga was brought to the earth by none other than King Bhagiratha and, hence, Ganga is also known as Bhagirathi.

(Devaprayag the confluence of Bhagirathi and Alakananda, left is Alakananda and towards right is Bhagirathi)
The Story Of Ganga: Prior to him, other kings and his ancestors such as Anshuman, Dilipa and others did not succeed in bringing Ganga to this earth from heaven. Why should Ganga had to be brought to this earth at all? She is such a holy river that if we touch her, all our sins will be wiped off. Vishwamithra narrates this to Rama and Laxman. King Sagara’s sons were once performing an Ashwametha yagna in the earth or the Bhooloka. During this time, a horse is let out by the kings. Usually, the horse is challenged by a very strong king. This time, however, Indra from heaven plays a trick. He takes away the horse and ties it in front of Sage Kapila, who is in meditation. This Lord is an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Sagara’s sons come in search of the horse. They see the horse in front of sage Kapila in the nether world and accuse the sage of stealing the horse. Sage Kapila opens his eyes and hears the accusation hurled by the sons of Sagara. He instantly reduces them to ashes. There were thousands of them. All the sixty thousand sons of Sagara were reduced to a heap of ash by sage Kapila. As Sagara laments at the death of his sons, Sage Vasistha comes to his rescue. Sagara’s grandson Anshuman was a personification of good qualities. Hence, King Sagara sends for him to bring back the horse and complete the Yagna. Sagara’s grandson Anshuman reaches Kapila’s hermitage and get the sacrificial horse with his blessings and completes the Ashwamedha Yagna. But King Sagara is told by Sage Vasistha that his sons, who were transformed into ashes, could reach heaven or get salvation only if river Ganga is brought to this earth from the heaven. Hence, Anshuman goes to the forest to perform penance but in vain. King Dilipa who followed his and others in the Ishwaku clan could not succeed in bringing Ganga to the earth. However, due to his dedication, Bhagirtha, the grandson of Anshuman, performs severe penance to bring Ganga to this earth and succeeds in doing so. Hence Ganga is known as Bhagirathi i.e. the daughter of Bhagiratha. Hence in Devaprayag, the confluence is very strong and powerful with Bhagirathi’s force. The vigour with which Bhagiratha performed the penance and Ganga is brought to the earth is seen here.

(River Alakananda is flowing below)
Joshi Mutt: We reach a place called Pipalkot on the hills next. It actually had rained that night and the weather was quite chilly here. The next morning, we started off to Joshi Mutt, an abode for Lord Narasimha. An arm of the Lord here is getting thinner and thinner by the years. It is said that Badri would be converted into a Vishal Badri if the Lord’s arm becomes very thin. Near the Joshi Mutt is an entry gate for all buses to go to Badrinath. The gates are opened and closed at a prescribed time so as ensure proper and safe travel of all vehicles on these narrow roads. If the vehicles are allowed to go up, no vehicle is allowed to get down from Badrinath. It is a one-way passage. This is completely maintained and managed by the Border Security Forces. They regulate the traffic flow. We reached the gate in time and reached Badrinath at around 11 a.m. in the morning on the same day since we started early around 4 a.m. in the morning from Pipalkot. Well, it was a magnificent and exhilarating sight with snow-capped mountains all around. The parvath or the mountains are known as Nara Narayana parvaths in Badrinath. And in between two mountains is visible Neelakanta Parvatham of Kedarnath. Due to mist or the melting of the icebergs, sometimes this mountain is not visible clearly. Fortunately, the day we went was sunny and it was clearly visible. The sunshine, however, was not felt even in the least. It was biting cold. We had to clench our shivering hands. The teeth began to chatter in the cold evening. Walking in this place was quite difficult and we felt breathless, as there was dip in oxygen level. River Alakananda flows majestically in Badrinath. We had to cross a bridge on this river to reach the temple. We could see the river flowing ever so beautifully.

(River Bhagirathi flowing before the confluence at Devaprayag)
The Lord Darshan: We went to the temple to take a bath in the sulphur or the hot spring water, which flows naturally near the temple premises. This is the only hot water source for the devotees to take bath. Otherwise, it is so cold here and freezing. Even if you touch the water, it makes the hands numb. Well, we had a good darshan of the Lord with proper regulation by the military service people who guided us there. We saw them all covered fully with sweaters, mufflers, gloves and shawls. It was so cold with a very cold breeze at times. Inside the temple is Lord Badri Narayana with Nara Narayana, Narada, Kubera, Garuda and Uddava, the sole survivor of the yadavas. There is also a shrine for Mahalakshmi inside the temple. Lord Badrinath is self originated and formed of a black shiny stone known as Salagrama. The Lord is seated in a Padmasana posture. Special poojas like abhisheka are performed early in the morning at around four. Devotees here place some coins at Kubera’s feet and take them home to be blessed with wealth always.

(Badrinaryan temple at Badrinath)
River Saraswathi: Another important and beautiful place is river Saraswathi in Manna village. This is two kms from Badrinath. It is almost at the Tibet border. River Saraswathi is so beautiful and light greenish in colour. She is visible only here. In other place, however, she flows as antharvahini and not visible to others as a result of curse. There is also a Bhima’s bridge here. The Pandavas of Mahabharatha, it is said, came here for salvation. Bhima, it is also said, had hurled a huge stone for the Pandavas to cross the river. Hence, it came to be known as Bhima’s bridge. After this, there is sage Vyasa’s cave. SageVyasa wrote the epic Mahabharatha. After this, we saw a small tea shop named the `Last Tea Shop’, just a few yards inside the Tibet Border. The guys there explained to us that it was the last tea shop on the Indian side of the border. It was rather surprising to see young robust-looking boys carry huge luggage on their back. They carried it in a basket they had tied to their back. They even volunteered to carry people on their backs in the basket for a small fee. Though looked beautiful, it was not so easy to climb the small steps. For one, the oxygen levels were low. Two, the chill breeze blowing across made everyone pant and puff. Nevertheless one got a huge amount of happiness and peace after a visit to this temple and getting a glimpse of Lord Badrinarayana.

(River Alakananda flowing in Badrinath)
Badrinathji’s Grace: We were reaching the Joshi Mutt on our way back. And many of us fell asleep due to the coldness. We crossed the place known as Hanuman Chati. It is said that Bhim and Hanuman had actually met at Hanuman Chati. As our host was explaining this to us, all of a sudden, our driver stopped the bus. People were running helter-skelter. A big crowd gathered around on the right edge of road. A peep down, we saw a Tata Sumo or something of that sort down deep. Fortunately, it had not fallen deep. Further down, we could see Ganga flowing fast. We had a shiver down our spine, as many thoughts crossed our minds. All vehicles had stopped and people – including some drivers – hurried down to the spot where the vehicle had fallen down to rescue those who were trapped inside the vehicle. Brave souls, they rushed instantly to help the victims, risking their own lives in the process. They pulled out a few kids and elders who were traveling in the vehicle and brought them up. Battered, bruised and blood-stained, the injured were crying and looked terribly scared. To the relief of everybody, we were told that all the nine people who had traveled in the vehicle were safe. We instantly prayed to Lord Badrinathji. It was miraculous and unbelievable. We were scared every moment then on. Nevertheless, the journey back was rather exciting.

(River Ganges at Haridwar)
Many Prayagas: Like Devaprayag, there are many Prayags on the way to Badrinath. There is Rudra Prayag, where rivers Mandakini and Alakananda merge. From here goes a road to Kedarnath temple. There is also Karna Prayag, where rivers Karna and Alakananda meet. Vishnu Prayag is where rivers Vishnu and Alakananda combine. There is also Nanda Prayag. In all, there are five Prayags. There is this place called Pandukeshwar, where Pandavas had dwelled. Finally, there is a Vasundhara River near Badrinath. Here is the place where the Pandavas fell one by one and reached heaven. This place is believed to be a tough one to reach.

(Radha and Krishna at a temple in Haridwar)
Modi Makes it Badri: During our trip to Badrinath, we also saw an high profile political leader taking time off elections to have the blessings of Lord Badrinath. As we were having refreshments in a hotel – overlooking the Badrinath Temple, we saw the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. Narendra Modi, making his way into the temple with his parivar. There was a huge crowd and I tried to take a few snaps from the hotel window. We were also told by the hotel host that even the former Prime Minister late Indira Gandhi had visited this temple in the `80s.

(Pilgrims getting out of a bus at Badrinath)

Tulasi Mala: The Tulasi mala or the garland sold outside the temple for adorning Lord Badrinath is of good medicinal value. As we reached Rishikesh on our way back, we were relieved to see the plain area. The mountains, as we watched, looked endless. Some among us even started to feel giddy. Once we reached Rishikesh and Haridwar on our way back, it was such a lovely sight with beautifully-lit lamps on river Ganga. Ganga is rather broad here and flows with a great force. It is such a wonderful sight. The place is filled with all sorts of mouth-watering eatables and sweets. It looked prosperous. Precious gems, assorted varieties of sweaters, garments and what not – you have everything here. The place stands picturesque in front our eyes. Well, we had to bid goodbye.

(Himalayan mountain ranges)

(view of Badrinath mountains)

My diary - 25th August 2009

This day, I completed 50 concerts of carnatic music uploaded in the blog. This day is also celebrations of 2.00 lacs downloads from my blog. The figures below are from my "mediafire" account. I WILL GIVE SOME INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE DOWNLOADS SUCH as "MOST DOWNLOADED" ETC SUBSEQUENTLY
Available Bandwidth
78.51 GB
Total Files
Total Downloads Served

I am happy that more and more people are reading my blog and their responses are also good. You can find this from comments on uploads. Apart from these comments many are sending mails personally to me giving lot of encouragement to my efforts.

This is what I learnt from my mother. "It is one thing to be kind, yet it is quite another thing also be unfailingly generous with your time, your possession, your talent, and energy and your willingness to be generous to share with others and yes if possible with money also."

I am planning to expand the activities of this blog by including contributions from my readers. Everybody is not able to read all the matters available in the media and internet. This blog can be a one stop for them to read various subjects, and so I invite matters from my readers, which are interesting on unusual subjects, which will help people to enlighten with knowledge.

Readers, who are interested may send these Articles, photos, to my e mail address "".

Please register yourself as a follower of this blog, so that you will get to know the updates immediately.

Let us grow together with knowledge, talent, and willingness to share, and I wish you all THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Concert - Madurai Mani Iyer

Fifty is always a milestone. I was thinking, which concert should I upload as 50th concert in my blog. And, who else other than Sri Madurai Mani Iyer can take that place. Please enjoy.
Violin : T.N. Krishnan, Mrudhangam : Vellore Ramabadran

  1. Vaathaapi - Hamsadhwani
  2. Brihaspathe - Ataanaa
  3. Entha bhaagyamu - Saarangaa
  4. Brova bhaaramaa - Bahudaari
  5. Seethamma Maayammaa - Vasanthaa
  6. Raama nee - Karaharapriyaa
  7. Raaraa sitaramani - Hindholavasantham
  8. Rangapura vihaara - Brindavanasaarangaa
  9. Mohana raama - Mohanam
  10. Kaa vaa vaa - Varaali
  11. Viruththam
  12. Slokam
  13. Maaye thvam yahi - Tharangini
  14. Thillaanaa - Chenchurutti
  15. Eppo varuvaaro - Jonpuri
  16. Jayathi jayathi - Kamaas
  17. Karpagame - Madhyamavathi
  18. Note
  19. Mangalam

Concert - Ravikiran - Chithraveena

Friday, August 21, 2009

Delegation of Powers

me as Branch manager at Yellandu ( Andhra Pradesh) 1969

One of the most common mistakes made by supervisors – especially those who are new to leadership – is taking on unnecessary tasks … trying to do everything by themselves. As a result, they can easily find themselves buried under a ton of work. Sound familiar? Things move slower, not as much gets done, and job satisfaction is reduced. What’s the best way to avoid that trap? DELEGATION! You need to pass along certain duties and responsibilities to your direct reports so that: a) more actions are being done by more people, more of the time, b) you’re a facilitator of, rather than a barrier to, progress, and c) you can focus on – and accomplish – those important tasks that really must be done by you.

As you look at what’s on you plate that you might ask others the handle, keep the following in mind:
When TO Delegate
  • When the task or action is really someone else’s to do.
  • When it provides a fairly low-risk opportunity for someone to learn, grow, and develop.
  • When someone else is equally (or better) equipped to handle it.
  • When you are more concerned that something gets done and less concerned that it gets done in a certain way.

When NOT to Delegate
  • When you haven’t helped the person prioritize the new task relative to your other expectations.
  • When you won’t be accessible for any counsel and guidance that the person may need.
  • When someone is new, too inexperienced, or otherwise incapable of performing the task.
  • When you truly are the best person to handle it – due to sensitivity, confidentially, timing, experience, etc.

No person will make a great business who wants to
do it all himself or get all the credit.

~ Andrew Carnegie

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.
-- Jack Welch

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lalgudi Jayaraman

The first record I purchased in my life was Lalgudi Jayaraaman's "Mokshamugalada" of Saaramathi raagam and the journey of my collections started from there.

  1. Abhadhuru
  2. Aadamodi - Charukesi
  3. Akhilaandeswari - Dwajawanthi
  4. Alai paayudhe - Kaanadaa
  5. Amba vaani - 1 - Keeravaani
  6. Amba vaani - 2 - Keeravaani
  7. Amba kaamaakshi - Bhairavi
  8. Amba paradhevathe - Rudrapriyaa
  9. Aanandha natanam - Poorvikalyaani
  10. Aanandhaamrutha - Amruthavarshini
  11. Anupama - Ataanaa
  12. Anuraagamule - Saraswathi
  13. Aparaadhamula - Lathaangi
  14. AparadhamulaNorva - Rasaali
  15. Arunodhayame - Bowli
  16. Adhineepai - Yamankalyaani
  17. Athukathaara - Manoranjani
  18. Baagaayanayya - Chandrajothi
  19. Baala gopaala - Bhairavi
  20. Bantureethi - Hamsanaadham
  21. Baaro krishniaha - Maand
  22. Bhajan - Aahir bairavi
  23. Bhajan - Pradeep
  24. Bhajan - Sindhubairavi
  25. Bhajare maanasa - Aabheri
  26. Bhajare yadhunaadham - Peelu
  27. Bhajare - Kannada
  28. Bhavanutha - 1 - Mohanam
  29. Bhavanutha - 2 - Mohanam
  30. Brochevarevare - Sriranjani
  31. Brocheva rfevarura - Kamaas
  32. Brova bhaarama - Bahudaari
  33. Chandrasekara - Jonpuri
  34. Chemthane - Kunthalavaraali
  35. Chinnanchiru kiliye - Raagamalika
  36. Chithtam eppadiyo - Naadhanaamakriya
  37. Dhaarini telisu - Sudhdhasaaveri
  38. Dheva dheva - Maayaamaalavagowlai
  39. Dheva sri - Madhyamaavathi
  40. Dhinamani - Harikaambodhi
  41. Dhurmaarga - Ranjani
  42. Dhaivathamu - Rethigowlai
  43. Eaasaa paahimaam - Kalyaani
  44. Ee vasudhaa - Sahaanaa
  45. Ekaambresa - Karnataka sudhdha saaveri
  46. Emanicheva - Yadhukulakaambodhi
  47. Emi neramu - Garudadhwani
  48. Endhuku peddala - Sankarabaranam
  49. Enna dhavam - Kaapi
  50. Endha bhaagyamu - Saarangaa
  51. Enthamuddo - Bindumaalini
  52. Entha nerchina - Sudhdha dhanyaasi
  53. Enthani vinaa - Oormika
  54. Endharo mahaanubhavu - Sri
  55. Eppo varuvaaro - Jonpuri
  56. Eru mayileri - Mohanam
  57. Eathavunara - Kalyaani
  58. Eti yochanulu - Kranavali
  59. Ethutha nilachite -1 - Sankarabaranam
  60. Ethutha nilachite - 2 - Sankarabaranam
  61. Evvarani - Dhevamruthavarshini
  62. Evvarimaatta - Kambodhi
  63. Evarunnaaru - Maalavasri
  64. Gaanamurthe - Gaanamurthi
  65. Gathi eni - Simhendramadhyamam
  66. Gathi nee mahi - Thodi
  67. Giripai - Sahana
  68. Govardhana - Hindholam
  69. Hecharika - Yadhukulakambodhi
  70. Idhara dhevathala
  71. Intha thaamasamela
  72. Intha sowkya - Kaapi
  73. Jagadaanandha - Naattai
  74. Jagadeesa - Kalyaani
  75. Jagadeesa - Nadhanaamakriyaa
  76. Jagadhodhaarana - Kaapi
  77. Jaanaki ramanaa - Sudhdhasimanthini
  78. Janani ninnuvina - Reethigowlai
  79. Janani paahi - Sudhdhasaaveri
  80. Kaa vaa vaa - Varaali
  81. Kadaglothaarenna
  82. Kalikiyunte - 1 - Keeravani
  83. Kalikiyunte - 2 - Keeravani
  84. Kamalaambike - Aanandhabairavi
  85. Kamalaambaam - Kalyaani - Part 1
  86. Kamalaambaam - Kalyaani - Part 2
  87. Kanchadhalaaya - Kamalamanohari
  88. Kantachoodumi - Vaachaspathi
  89. Kapaali - Mohanam - Part 1
  90. Kapaali - Mohanam - Part 2
  91. Karpagame - Madhyamaavathi
  92. Kaarthikeya - Thodi
  93. Karunasamudra
  94. Kinoo sang khel - Yamankalyaani
  95. Koniyaada tharama -
  96. Krishnaa nee - Yamankalyaani
  97. Kuzhaloodhum - Chaarukesi
  98. Lalithe - Bhairavi
  99. Laawanya raama - Poornashadjam
  100. Maa ramanan - Hindholam
  101. Maaravaari - Naasikabhushani
  102. Maadhava maamava - Neelambari
  103. Mahaa ganapathim - Naattai
  104. Mahitha pravarudhdha - Kambodhi
  105. Maakelaraa - Ravichandrika
  106. Maanasa sancharare - Saamaa
  107. Manasu nilpa - Aabhogi
  108. Manasuloni - Hindolam
  109. Manasuvishaya
  110. Manaviyaala - Nalinakanthi
  111. Maravakave - Saamaa - Part 1
  112. Maravakave - Saama - Part 2
  113. Marivere - Lathangi
  114. Marubaari -
  115. Marukelaraa - Jayanthashri
  116. Marakulaviya - Poorvikalyaani
  117. Maatimaatiki - Mohanam
  118. Maaye - Sudhdhatharangini
  119. Meenakshi memudham - Poorvi kalyaani
  120. Melukoviyyaa - Bowli
  121. Meru samaana - Maayaamaalavagowlai
  122. Mokshamu - Saaramathi
  123. Mudhdhumomu
  124. Mummoorthulu - Ataana
  125. Mundu venuga - Durbaar
  126. Murugaa murugaa - Sahaana
  127. Murugaa murugaa - Raagamalikai
  128. Naa morakalimpa - Dhanyaasi - Part 1
  129. Naa morakalimpa - Dhanyaasi - Part 2
  130. Naadupai
  131. Naa jeevaadhaara - Bilahari
  132. Naadha thanum anisham - Chiththaranjani
  133. Nadachi nadachi - Karaharapriya
  134. Naadaadina maatta - Janaranjani
  135. Naadhar mudi - Punnaagavaraali
  136. Naadhasudha rasa - Aarabhi
  137. Naadhaloludai - Kalyaanavasantham
  138. Nagumomu - Aabheri
  139. Naanaatibadhuku
  140. Nannu paalimpa - Mohanam
  141. Nannu vidachi - Reethigowlai
  142. Naaraaynaa - Sudhdhadhanyaasi
  143. Nathajana paripala - Simhendramadhyamam
  144. Nee chiththamu - Dhanyaasi
  145. Neekela - Dhevamanohari
  146. Neevaadane - Saarangaa
  147. Nidhi chaala - Kalyaani
  148. Ninne nammidhi - Simhendramadhyamam
  149. Ninnu cheppaka - Mandari
  150. Ninnu vina - Thodi
  151. Niravathi sukha - Ravichandrika
  152. Okapaari - Karaharapriya
  153. Ora choopu - Kannadagowla
  154. Oruththi maganaai - Behaag
  155. Paavanneeye
  156. Pakkala Nilapadi - Karaharapriya
  157. Paalinchu kaamakshi - Madhyamavathi
  158. Paramaathmudu
  159. Paraathparaa - Vaachaspathi
  160. Paridhaana - Bilahari
  161. Pariyaachakamaa - Vanaspathi
  162. Pranathaarthihara - Raagamaalika
  163. Pranavaamyaham - Gowla
  164. Raa raama inti - Asaaveri
  165. Raadhaa samedha - Yamankalyaani
  166. Raagasudha rasa - Aandholika
  167. Raghunaayakaa - Hamsadhwani
  168. Raghuveera - Hussaini
  169. Raama kadha - Madhyamavathi
  170. Raama nee samaana - Karaharapriya
  171. Raama nee vadu - Kalyaani
  172. Raamabaana - Saaveri
  173. Raama neepai - Kedhaaram
  174. Raama ninne - Mohanam
  175. Rama raama - Thilang
  176. Ranganaayakam - Naayaki
  177. Raanidhi - Manirangu
  178. Sabaapathikku - Aabhoghi
  179. Sadhaamahim - Ghambeeravaani
  180. Saadhinchane - Aarabhi
  181. Saahipraana - Senchurutti
  182. Saamaja varagamanaa
  183. Sahi praana - Senchurutti
  184. Samayamide - Behaag
  185. Santhaana - Phalamanjari
  186. Sankari sankuru - Saaveri
  187. Sarasa saama dhaana - Kaapinaarayani
  188. Saraseeruha - Mukhaari
  189. Sevikka vendumayyaa - Aandholika
  190. Shankaraachaaryam - Sankarabaranam
  191. Sollavallaayo - Raagamalika
  192. Shyaamasundaraanga - Dhanyaasi - Part 1
  193. Shyaamasundaranga - Dhanyaasi - Part 2
  194. Siva siva ena - Panthuvaraali
  195. Smarane sukha - Janaranjani
  196. Sobillu
  197. Sogasu jooda - Kannadagowla
  198. Sogasugaa - Sriranjani
  199. Sompaina - Aahiri
  200. Sree Maathrubootham - Kannada
  201. Sreekaantha nee - Bhavapriyaa - Part 1
  202. sReekaantha nee _ bhavapriya _ part 2
  203. Sri Kanthimathim - Hemavathy
  204. Sri Mahaaganapathi - Gowla
  205. Srinivaasaa - Hamsanandhi
  206. Sri sankara - Nagaswaravali
  207. Sri Naaradha - Kaanadaa
  208. Sri Varalakshmi - Sri
  209. Sri Venkatagirisha - Surutti
  210. Sri Subramanyena - Sudhdhadhanyaasi
  211. Sugunamule - Chalravaaham
  212. Sujana - Kamaas
  213. Sukhee evvaro - Kaanadaa - Part 1
  214. Sukhee evvaro - Kaanadaa - Part 2
  215. Theliyaleru - Dhenukaa
  216. Thaaye thripurasundari
  217. Thaamadham - Mohanakalyaani - Part 1
  218. Thaamadham - Mohanakalyaani - Part 2
  219. Thanigai valar - Thodi - Part 1
  220. Thanigaivalar - Thodi - Part 2
  221. Theeraadha - Raagamalikai
  222. Thepaahi - Madhyamavathi - Part 1
  223. Thepaahi - Madhyamavathi - Part 2
  224. Thiruppugazh - Mohanam
  225. Thiruppugazh - Kaanadaa
  226. Thiruppugazh - Hamirkalyaani
  227. Thiruvadi charanam - Kaambodhi
  228. Tsallare
  229. Uyyaala - Neelambari
  230. Vaddahane - Shanmugapriya
  231. Vallabha naayakasya
  232. Vandheham - Hamsadhwani
  233. Vaarana mukha - Hamsadhwani
  234. Vara Naaradha - Vijayasri
  235. Vaathaapi - Hamsadhwani
  236. Vedha sri - Madhyamavathi
  237. Venkatasaila - Hamirkalyaani
  238. Venugaana - Kedhaaragowla
  239. Vinnaaradhana - Dhevagaandhaari
  240. Viraana brova - Kalyaani
  241. Yaaro ivar Yaaro - Bhairavi - Part 1
  242. Yaaro ivar yaaro - Bhairavi - Part 2
Blogger vaidyanathan said...
very melodious kutcheri of lalgudi. but, cd not be downloaded. cd u kindly look into it and ensure that i am able to download and enjoy alaipayudi.
August 20, 2009 6:30 AM
Blogger hvaidya said...
Many have already downloaded this song since I posted yesterday night. Perhaps, there might have been some server problem. try again. If you still feel difficulty, please let me know.
August 20, 2009 9:53 AM
Blogger vaidyanathan said...
thefollowing is what i get when i try to download i hv downloaded all the 80 songs. may be perhaps i like 'alai payaude' too much, i am unable to download!!! Page not found - connection failure Oops! This link appears to be broken.Suggestions: Go to mediafire.­com Search on Google: Google Toolbar Help - Why am I seeing this page? ©2009 Google - Google Home
August 20, 2009 4:57 PM
Blogger vaidyanathan said...
even now at 6.30 am over in buffalo grove, illinois i get the following msg: Page not found - connection failure Oops! This link appears to be broken.Suggestions: Go to mediafire.­com Search on Google: Google Toolbar Help - Why am I seeing this page? ©2009 Google - Google Home
August 20, 2009 4:58 PM
Blogger vaidyanathan said...
i was now able to download and enjoy alaipayude. thanks a lot.
August 21, 2009 12:09 AM
Blogger Ganesh said...
Sir, Can you please upload Sri Kunnakudi's concert with Valayapatti as mentioned in your blog.
August 24, 2009 11:37 PM
Blogger vaidyanathan said...
i too wanted to request u for Kunnakudi's kutcheris as also the 72 mela kartha ragams played on veena by dr.s balachander
August 25, 2009 4:47 PM
Blogger Ganesh said...
Sir Friend of mine has a cd of 72 melkartha ragas played by Dr.S.Balachandar. I will try to convert it to mp3 and upload it
August 25, 2009 5:59 PM
Blogger hvaidya said...
Thanks a lot Mr. Ganesh. If you have any difficulty in doing it for want of time or any other constraint, please let me know so that I will contact your friend and do the needful.
August 25, 2009 9:07 PM
Blogger Ganesh said...
Sir I am presently working in Ghana West Africa. I will do this by end of this month as my friend is out of the country. if you can upload the kadri concert i will be grateful.
August 25, 2009 9:21 PM
Blogger hvaidya said...
I will certainly upload Kadri's concert. Please give me some time.
August 25, 2009 9:55 PM
Anonymous Krishnan. said...
Hi. Firstly I want to say that this is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! I am a devotee of Lalgudi (to the extent that I usually don't listen to anyone else) and I have most of his released music, but to find such a big collection in one place is absolutely wonderful. I have just started going through the music and I am very excited. Keep up the good work. Krishnan.
September 25, 2009 3:03 AM
Anonymous RAGHU said...
Hi I am an ardent fan and worshipper of MSGopalakrishnan. Kindly post any kutcheris that he has played. Thanks in Advance. Raghu
December 8, 2009 7:41 AM
Blogger cvsmuthy said...
Dear Sir, I love Lallgudiji's violin and have been unfailingly hearing his concerts since my teens. The Bahudari is having 'sannidhyam'. Violin 'Kenjaradu ille ille konjaradu'. Thanks a lot for your service and taking us to the heavens.
January 9, 2010 12:37 PM
Blogger cvsmuthy said...
Dear Sir, Have heard almost all the kritis. Every collection is a class in itself. Thank you once again.
January 18, 2010 8:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Excellent collection indeed! I am a great fan of Lalgudi's and have a large collection on tape but what you have provided here is so much more convenient. Thanks! A small request - could you please also upload the 'O Rangasaaye' from the same concert in which he played the 'Lalithe' song that you have here (1969 or 1971 Krishna Gana Sabha Concert). -shankar
January 21, 2010 7:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I do have a similar request. I had an elaborate treatment of O Rangasayee which is totally damaged now which was rendered during an Isai Vizha festival some where in the 70's.Somebody must be having it with a classical ragamalika rendered ending I remember with a lovely Nilambari.
February 5, 2010 8:25 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
For Anoymus pl. 'O Rangasayee' by Sri Lalgudi is available in Carnatic section in Master pieces - Vol.15-2 running for over 56 mts. Treatment excellent. Can hear and enjoy.
June 4, 2010 8:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Excellent collection. Appreciate you sharing it with public.
November 12, 2010 8:34 AM
Blogger vijaya mohan said...
Respected sir Excellent collection sir. I am very thankfull. Sir can you suggest a link or a site where i can get voilin in Hindustani classical (eg N Rajam, Kala Ramnath etc) Bye sir with regards D.Vijaya Mohan
June 16, 2011 1:14 PM
    Blogger hvaidya said...
    Please go to Google and type N. Rajam in hindusthani with violin
    June 16, 2011 8:44 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The composition in madhyamavathi is "Devashri" and not "vedashri".
    November 17, 2011 4:15 PM